Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

Thursday, December 31st, 2009 - Day 13

Mommy is sad because Chris went back to work today. He will be off tomorrow, but today and starting Monday, it will be just me and baby. I loved having Chris's help with Tia and being able to snooze here and there. I know Tia and I will get into a routine soon enough and the weeks will fly by. I can't believe 3 weeks of maternity leave have already gone by. Wow!

This is Tia's first New Year's Eve and we will be spending it at home. I can't remember the last time I stayed home for New Year's but I'm looking forward to it. I think Chris is too. I do have a BFF stopping by later today and she is bringing me some treats so I can celebrate with a dirty martini and possibly a glass of wine. Mmmmm

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Her Umbilical Cord is Gone

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009 - Day 12

Today, her umbilical cord fell off and we are happy because it just did not look like it was fun to have that attached. Now I wonder if she is going to have an inny or an outie. It is so hard to tell.

Poor Tia has the same ritual after feeding. She does two sneezes and then she has the hiccups that last about 20 minutes. Boy does she hate them because she makes these cute sounds. Chris calls the sounds the Velociraptor because she makes clicking and uh-ing noises. We feel so bad for her.

She also has a clogged tear duct in her left eye. She gets eye boogies all the time and although we clean them out, it seems like a constant problem. I hope that goes away, although I've heard it is a common thing among new babies.

She is perfect otherwise and is doing great. She's doing better at sleeping at night but she needs to be held to fall asleep. She can sure tell when she is not getting the human contact. She's so spoiled!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The Cutest Chuckle & Smiles

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009 - Day 11

Of course, she is too young to give us a smile or laugh BUT we get lucky every time she falls asleep. When she starts to doze off she has the cutest facial expressions and the best is when she smiles. There are different forms of smiles and it is just amazing to see. Every few days there is the cutest chuckle too. I've seen it twice and Chris has seen it a couple times too. We love is like a 'uh-hee-uh-hee' belly laugh. So adorable.

My mom was telling me how in Thailand they believe the facial expressions babies have when falling asleep are Angels talking/playing with them. The babies will smile when playing and they give that frown-like face when the babies do something bad, the Angels will bopp them on the head. It was a cute story and now I imagine the Angels every time I watch her fall asleep.

In fact, right now she is sleeping and it looks like she has a cute little smile on her face. So cute!

Monday, December 28, 2009

She's all Clean

Monday, December 28th, 2009 - Day 10

We decided to give Tia her first full body sponge bath today and boy did she not like the cold much. Chris and I did our best to keep her calm while we washed her body, washed her hair, and lotioned her up. Once we were done and we put her in some warm clothes and wrapped her up in a blanket, she was out for the count. She is still sleeping all day and awake all night, but hopefully we'll get that changed soon. We've been using all the tips we've received and it seems like we are making a tiny bit of progress day by day. We'll get there. She is just so darn cute!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Party at My Crib

Sunday, December 27th, 2009 - Day 9

Tia had her first friend over today. Her friend is 5 weeks older than Tia but they already look like best buds. Of course, us moms had to do a photoshoot with them. I was always the bad influence with tequila shots and partying, so it was cute that we made Tia out to be the bad influence in these pictures. Although, we all know that these little girls will not even know what drinking is until they are hopefully 21, but we do hope they are best buds just like us moms are. Cute, nonetheless.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

One Week Old

Saturday, December 26th, 2009 - Day 8

Tia is officially one week old today and the week seems to have gone by so quickly. Although, some of those long nights I thought would never end. Overall, it has been great getting to know our little girl. She is just amazing in every way. Things that make me smile are the little smiles she gets as she is falling asleep and the little wimpering noises she makes when she is dreaming. I can just look at her for hours on end and just cherish every moment. The things that have been hard for me this week are how my boobs feel - ouch-eeee-wowa! I liked one of the comments that I will 'toughen' them up and I'm slowly but surely getting them tough enough for the every 3 hour pain they go through. I've been solely pumping because we are breaking Tia of the habit of using me as a human pacifier after she's been fed. Doc says that we have to break that habit early or she'll need me every time she goes to sleep. That is part of the reason my boobs are taking a beating. So the past 3 days, I've been pumping and it has been working out great. I'm definitely getting used to it, but it hasn't been easy. The other things that come to mind are the discomfort down below as my uterus is slowly getting back to its original size.

But Tia is doing great. She has her nights and days mixed up so she sleeps all day and does not want to go to bed all night. We are working on getting her switched but unfortunately it is no easy task. I know it will work out SOON! We are taking advantage when we can to sleep when she sleeps during the day, but can be hard with pumping, daily to-dos and visitors. But all worth it. Christmas was actually fun because we didn't have to leave our house, yet we got to see almost half of our family. My mom came over every day and brought us food, Chris's mom and brothers and sisters came over for a fun time, my brother his wife and two little girls came and stayed with us for a couple days too. My dad and stepmom came over on Christmas too. Chris's dad and stepmom will be coming by today. So it was nice to have things at our house (but not having to cook anything ;)

Tia made out like a bandit with gifts. She is already spoiled and doesn't even know it yet. She got a lot of fun toys, ornaments, clothes, etc. I was excited because I was able to have a glass of wine on Christmas. Boy did it taste good. Since I had pumped enough to last all day, I was able to have a glass and then let it get out of my system before pumping again. I bought the Alcohol/Milk screen from Wal-greens that tell you if your milk is clear for pumping sans alcohol.

Chris has been an amazing daddy this week - he is just such a natural. I'm lucky that he wants to help me with diapers, bottle feeding and if I need anything here or there. He has been a great help and I'm going to be sad when he goes back to work after this week. Then it will be just me and Tia on our own. I'm sure it will be an adventure. I know that the next 10 weeks are going to fly by for me and then I'll be back to work so I'm going to take advantage of these early days while I can. I know one of my purposes in life was to be a mom and I'm finally able to provide for another human being in a way like no other. I pray every night that our family is watched from above!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Tia's First Christmas

Friday, December 25th, 2009 - Day 7

We were good all year,
in hopes our request would come true.
That we’d receive the present we asked for,
something all tiny, precious, and new.

Santa must have thought we were deserving,
to bless us with this amazing and special thing.
The week of Christmas finally has arrived,
and we were excited with what Santa did bring.

A perfect little princess,
and bundle of joy so sweet.
A little daughter to call Angel,
that we could not wait to meet.

Her name is Tia McKenzie,
December 19th is her birth date.
She weighs 6 lbs 8 ozs is 19 inches long,
she’s a 100% perfect in every way.

We are so excited about this blessing,
from the clouds of heaven above.
We will love her, cherish her and protect her,
for all of her many days to come.

Wishing you and yours a holiday season full of joy & happiness.
We hope you get all that you wished for Christmas too!

All of our love,
Chris, Angie & Tia Norris

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tia's First Doctor's Appointment

Thursday, December 24th, 2009 - Day 6

Our little overachiever did great today at her first doctor's appointment. After the first few days, babies lose some of their weight. Tia was born 6 lbs 8 ozs and when we left the hospital, she weighed 6 lbs 1 oz. Today, she weighed in at 6 lbs and 10.5 ozs. Our doc was very pleased. Tia also kicked the jaundice and no longer has to test for it nor does she have to sleep in the billy-bed all day long. Other things that were gleaming were her demeanor and color. The doc said that we are both doing a great job so far and she gave us lots of tips to the questions we've had. Because she is doing so great, we don't have to come back for a month. Great job Tia!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Breastfeeding & Pumping

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009 - Day 5

In the hospital, about an hour after birth, I breastfed Tia for almost an hour. The lactation specialist gave her the big honors of being the best breast feeder out of all the newborns in the ward. Tia had no problem latching on and going to town. My theory is all of those hiccups she had made her swallowing and sucking capabilities more mature (doc said something to this effect). So for the next few days in the hospital, Tia would eat every 2 to 3 hours and she would stay latched on for 45 to 50 minutes at a time. This is great for her because she was getting the colostrum she needed, but after that ran out, I turned into a human pacifier and the 'nips' were starting to get very sore. By the time I got home on Monday and breastfeeding on my own - it was rather painful. Now there are a few reasons to this: (1) she wasn't always latching on properly, but she a tiny baby and it is a bit harder for her (2) soreness is very normal since our 'nips' have not gone through this sort of treatment before (at least mine haven't).

I will say that sitting in the glider chair with the boppy pilly across my lap and Tia laying close to me eating her meal is super sweet to experience. I can hug her, rub her hair, check out all of her features and watch her slowly fall asleep. It is amazing how special it is...BUT my 'nips' just take a beating when I am trying to get her latched on in the beginning.

I talked to another friend who recently had a baby and she said that she started pumping before she came home from the hospital (her baby was super early). So that made me feel better when I was wondering when I can start pumping and giving my 'nips' a break. I did all of my reading and research and although lactation specialist really want you to breastfeed early on as opposed to pumping - many places said that if your nips were sore to go ahead and try to pump to give things a change of pace from time to time. I will still breastfeed on a normal basis, but I'm going to take advantage of pumping while I can.

A good friend of mine was kind enough to give me her Medela electric double pump which I have heard is the best so I was all set to go with pumping. I was a bit scared, I'll admit and Chris was kind enough to wash everything for me and get it all prepared. He watched me as I turned the pump on low and tried it out on my right. As I turned it from low gradually higher, Chris cringed in pain. I also was a bit freaked at first - it just seemed weird and sort of hurt. But after a bit, it worked like a charm and is definitely going to do the job. And after I did one side for a small bit, it made it easier for Tia to latch on that next mealtime. Also, when I need a break from breast feeding, Chris will have a bottle he can supplement her meals with.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

First Night of Little Sleep

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009 - Day 4

We definitely expected little sleep for a while, but the billy-bed that she has to sleep in made it far worse than in the hospital. She isn't swaddled up like she has been because on the billy-bed, she is in this pouch w/arms that is attached to this bed. There is so much room in there that she doesn't get that feeling like she is in the womb but rather is able for her arms/legs to flair around. She hated that bed and just did not want to be in there. We felt so bad for her and we wanted to get her out of there but for her best interest we had to force her to stay in there crying, fussy and upset. Also, all she has on is a diaper so although it is a bit more heated, it doesn't keep her as warm as she wants.

I got about 2 hours of sleep total and Chris got a bit more but we made it through our first night at home together. I can't wait until she is out of that thing so I can put her in some cute, warm sleepers and we can get her on a regular eating/sleeping/pooping routine.

We changed a zillion diapers which was to be expected and filled our diaper genie already. They weren't lying when they said we'd go through diapers faster than we can imagine. Chris has been the master diaper changer, which has been great. I think he is proud of his new trade and I love that he wants to help where/when he can. He got some advice from someone who said to change as many diapers as he could while he was home because it is bonding time with Tia. Although, I think Chris thinks she thinks he is the bad guy because he has to change her diaper, get her cleaned up and clean around her belly button - which entails a little bit of coldness from the wipes. But I sure love watching him with her - it is just so cute!

Our first big day went well, with all things considered, and she is doing better with her jaundice too. The nurse came out to the house and did a reading and her levels have dropped significantly. Even the pediatrician called and said she was blown away by the big change. I know Tia is our little over achiever! So by Thursday when we go into the pediatrician, she should be all good.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Our Sweet Tia has Jaundice

Monday, December 21st, 2009 - Day 3

It doesn't surprise us that our sweet Tia has jaundice. Both Chris and I had jaundice when we were born and with me being part Asian - it is more common for the brown babies. We are being sent home today with a billy bed so she can get a good tan, but cure her jaundice at the same time. We can bring her home but she will have to stay in her tanning bed all week until Thursday when we take her into the doc to see if she's cured. Unfortunately, visitors who come see her won't be able to hold her but they can look at her all they want. She is still the cutest thing in the world!

Leaving the hospital is a big change because at home we won't have all the nurses, doctors, call buttons, room service and the nursery BUT we are excited to get home and get our family started on the right foot. We have had a great experience at St. Lukes. I have nothing but good things to say about the whole experience.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tia's First Photoshoot

Sunday, December 20th, 2009 - Day 2

Written by Baby Daddy:

Here's Tia, just 1 day old and already starring in a photoshoot. She looks so darn cute in her little brown and pink polka-dot dress. St. Luke's uses Bella Baby Photography for their newborn baby pictures To view photos, go to The password is 1219tianorris. For an additional "tear-jerker," turn on your speakers for the soundtrack. Act fast, photos only available until 1/4/10.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

We Welcome Tia McKenzie Norris

Saturday, December 19th, 2009 - Day 1

She has finally arrived - Tia McKenzie Norris has been born. She arrived at 1:15am weighing in at 6 lbs 8 ozs and 19 inches long. Of course going into labor, I had no idea what to expect. All I knew is that the contractions I was feeling about 3:30pm yesterday were killer for me and I was in some major pain. They gave me the epidural about an hour or so into arriving at the hospital which was AWESOME! I didn't feel any contractions after that. I have never had an IV or even been to the hospital for anything so all the needles I'd soon would be facing were not ideal. But the IV wasn't too bad once they got it started and the epidural didn't hurt although the pain medicine that they gave to numb sure did hurt for a bit. The catheter didn't hurt at all. I was thinking this wasn't so bad after all. Our moms were both in the room with us up until they wanted me to start pushing. We watched TV and talked. I was 3 cm when I arrived at 50% effaced. By 6pm, I was 6 cm. Then by 10pm I was 8 cm dilated and 80% effaced and by midnight I was 10 cm dilated and 100% effaced and it was time to start pushing.

I guess I thought this part of labor would be a zillion nurses/doctors in the room with Chris is his sterile blue scrubs outfit. Actually, it was just Chris and the nurse having me push at every contraction. Pushing was really hard, but it felt like I was with my personal trainer and he was having me do more than my body can handle. It didn't hurt or anything like that, but the pressure felt like 'a big turd was on its way' (quoted by my friend Angela). I was cracking jokes all night and we just had fun with the entire process. About 45 minutes into pushing, I was thinking to myself 'I hope I don't have to push for hours like some women'. My doc arrived when she was about to crown and he said give me one big push and there she appeared. They were all telling me that I was really strong and if I wanted to go natural, I really could have BUT let me tell you - the epidural rocked! They were also saying that only having to push for an hour is rare too. I was happy. When it was all said and done with - it isn't as bad as some stories I have heard. To each delivery, a different story - so we'll see about my next time around. BUT the worst part of the entire thing for me were the contractions early on. I had been having contractions for a while and just last night I started feeling them in my sleep, but they didn't hurt - they were just annoying. But the contractions that started at 3:30ish were excruciating - tears on the corners of my eyes, me saying 'oh god' and just the feeling of seizure like cramps - ouch! Everything else wasn't so bad.

I was really happy Tia came on her own. We were set to be induced Monday morning at 8:00am, but having her come on her own was a shorter process and just one day before her due date. She is so precious and I just can't stop looking at her. She is a teeny weeny thing and to me, she looks like Chris. She is beautiful and I'm sooooo lucky to have her here now.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Tia's Almost Here!

Friday, December 18th, 2009 - Day 278

Written by Baby Daddy:

Angie had another appointment today which the doctor told her that we would plan on inducing Monday morning. On our way back, Angie wanted to do lunch at a hibachi grill....she was craving steak. First, we went to one (off Olive) that Angie had not been to in a long time. We showed up and they were closed (out of business or relocating). Then we went to Texas Roadhouse in Arnold and they were closed, but opening at 3:30p, so we finished some Christmas shopping. About 30 minutes later, we came back to Texas Roadhouse. As soon as we were seated, Angie has a contraction like no other. She was in major pain. I asked if she wanted to leave before we order, but she was determined to have steak (even if she was teared-up while eating it). She then has another contraction 4 minutes later, then another, then another, and so on. Right then our food comes out and I immediately get the check and some "to go" boxes. As soon as we got into the car, I called the doctor's office and they said to come in. After we arrive, they run some tests to check for false labor. Definitely not false, so here we are now waiting patiently for Tia to arrive. We can't wait!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Another Day

Thursday, December 17th, 2009 - Day 277

I got all of our Christmas shopping done, had lunch at a new Thai restaurant with my mom and we got our house ready for guests after Tia is born. It was a pretty productive day to say the least. I felt different today with a lot more crampy feelings and a few times a little queasy, but overall I made it through the day. I really can't tell when I have contractions. I know they are there, but it has not been evident when I do have one. My doctor says that people who don't gain a lot of weight during their pregnancy feel every movement from the baby and so it is harder to know when it is a contraction or the baby moving. People who gain a lot more weight, don't feel every baby movement so when a contraction happens, it is easier to detect. But tonight, I started feeling a steadier crampiness and with that she gets all balled up, which is what my doc says is a contraction. I have a feeling it is going to be hard to sleep tonight. I think I have a feeling she is on her way but we'll get a true detection at our doctor's appointment tomorrow.

Chris is officially on paternity leave or at least that is what I am calling it. He is off from tomorrow until the end of the year to be with me and baby. So he'll join me at the doctor's appointment tomorrow which will be nice. Lori may be right in her coming in Saturday...I think time is coming soon!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Giving Her Some More Time

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 - Day 276

Called the doc today to see if he had any decisions and we decided to give her a few more days before planning an induction. I have a doc appointment on Friday, so we are going to give it until Friday and then we can go over our options then. Sorry for the TMI, but I lost my mucus plug last night - I had been losing some here and there, but last night - I lost the whole shibang. So I know we are progressing.

Here is a picture of my big ole belly - 40 weeks on Sunday and the chance of Tia arriving any day now - I wanted to get a picture before I forgot. She's definitely grown and I'm feeling the pressure hard core now. I'm just so excited, but I am happy we are giving her a chance to come on her own. It has been nice being off but just weird, almost like I called in sick from work but I'm not really sick - a guilty feeling that I'm not working when I could be. BUT it is harder to move around and I am starting to get back pain, so I know it is good to have this week to myself. Plus I've been able to get a lot of errands done, do a little Christmas shopping and get some final details completed. Guess we'll just have to be patient and wait and see what happens! Maybe she will be a true Christmas baby after all.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Come Out Come Out - Wherever You Are

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 - Day 275

I think either Tia is taking after her daddy and will come late (hee hee) OR she is just too darn cozy in there and doesn't want to come out because she knows it is winter time (that means she's like me and hates the cold) Everything is ready to go - her room is perfect, the Christmas tree is up, our bags are packed, the house is clean and I'm on maternity leave. We are just missing one thing - Tia! I'm just so excited to meet her and get to see what she looks like - will she be a brown baby, will she have my nose and Chris's mouth. Will she look like our siblings or our parents. Will she hear Chris's voice and be mesmorized! I just can't wait. SO Tia, come out come out!!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Stripping My Membranes

Monday, December 14th, 2009 - Day 274

Doesn't that just sound painful! I had heard about having your membranes stripped, but I guess I thought it was when you go in for an induction. I went to see my doctor today and no change in my cervix so he asked if he should try to help things along and of course I said yes, so he stripped my membranes. (for those that don't know what that means, you can check it out on google) Yes, it is a bit uncomfortable but it didn't hurt as bad as I had heard. I did feel VERY crampy all night and I was really hoping it would launch me into labor, but it hasn't yet. I know it isn't a guarantee, but Doc said it generally works on most women to start labor within 48 hours.

If nothing happens by Wednesday, I am supposed to call my Doc and we'll go over our options. Inducing is still an option, but now that my doctor isn't going out of town, there really isn't a big reason why we should induce. Although, he did say there really isn't a big reason why we shouldn't, since on Sunday I'll be 40 weeks and my cervix is 'ripe' enough. I do like that we are giving it a few days to see if she'll come out and play on her own. I guess we'll see how it goes!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Tree / Finishing Touches on Tia's Room

Sunday, December 13th, 2009 - Day 273

Written by Baby Daddy:

This is my first year to put up any kind of Christmas decorations what-so-ever, much less an actual tree. I was even trying to talk my way out of it but Angie was not having any of that. Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays, but when it comes to work and the holidays, I'd rather sit in our warm house and watch the neighbors on their ladders hanging lights in the freezing cold. Not that I actually hung any outdoor lights, but I have to take it one step at a time.

I put our tree together last night and Angie had decorated it this morning. When I asked her how she got the angel on top, my mouth dropped. I have a 4' ladder in the gargage that she did not use (in her defense she probably didn't know it was there). I would have let her even get away with it if she had used one of the kitchen chairs, but she didn't use that either. Here she is, 39 weeks pregnant and ready to have our baby any day and she is balancing herself on a small ottoman! There's nothing to hang onto and it also has one of those huge cushions that your feet sink into when you try to stand on it, making it very unstable. I know because I tried to use it before. I get nervous just picturing her doing that.

We had also picked up our final piece of baby furniture yesterday. After about 30 minutes of moving furniture around, we finally got it setup just the way we wanted. I was also able to hang a couple of shelves we picked out a few weeks ago. I wanted to make sure I knew how the room was going to be setup before drilling a bunch of holes in the wall. Tia's room now looks absolutely amazing!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Getting Ready for Christmas

Saturday, December 12th, 2009 - Day 272

I had Chris take me to Hobby Lobby today to get our Christmas ornaments. Most people who know me know that I'm not a big Christmas person. I just never really got into it and I have my reasons that I'll keep to myself. BUT this year, I have to say I'm not bah humbug at all. I'm really looking forward to it and it is because we are doing our own little Christmas this year - Chris, Me & Tia. We usually have about 8 or 9 Christmas's to go to...we usually have my Grandma's, my dad's, my mom's, Chris's mom's, Chris's dad's, The Norris's, There are usually three Merli get-to-gethers (Grandpa Merli, Dennis/Donna, Jenny/Danny), Grandma Stella's, and the Harps...and of course some are combined depending on the year. This year though, we decided to forego all Christmas's since we'll have a few day to a week old in our household and who knows, she may even come right at Christmas time. But of course, anyone is welcome to come over to our house and see our best Christmas present Tia. We do want people to let us know first, so we don't double book people and everyone can have their allotted time with Tia.

Anyway, we went to Hobby Lobby because they always have great ornaments and they have a 50% promotion going on. We got our ornaments, our stockings, stocking holders, tree skirt and angel. I'm soooo excited to put up our tree and get our house looking Christmas festive! Woo Hoo

Friday, December 11, 2009

Last Day of Work

Friday, December 11th, 2009 - Day 271

It is the strangest feeling knowing that today was my last day of work. It was one of the easiest days because we also had our staff Christmas Party which means I really only had to work until about 12:30pm and then we went to eat our Xmas lunch at Oishi which was mmmm good, then back to the office for games all afternoon. I did have to plan the Christmas party and one of my fears was that I wasn't going to make it that far and then I'd leave my coworkers hanging, BUT I made it. It was a fun day too. After games, we went to Happy Hour (I had a lemonade!) Then I drove home and it felt so serile. Not know when my little bundle of joy is going to arrive, I could be twittling my thumbs next week if she doesn't arrive. I do have my doctor's appointment on Monday and then I guess I'll just continue to nest and be ready for Tia to arrive. I do know that 12 weeks is going to fly by super fast or at least that is what I've heard. I guess we'll see. I'm excited for Tia to is getting sooo close!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I think My Thumb is Broken or at least it Feels Like it

Thursday, December 10th, 2009 - Day 270

Seriously, I know I've talked about my swollen hands when I wake up to the point where I can barely open and close my fingers, my fingers feel like sausages and they hurt majorly bad. But the other night, in the middle of the night, I was just pulling the cover over me with my thumb and forefinger. It felt like I popped my thumb out of place and I barely even used it to pull the covers. Since then, it has hurt badly and I have to be careful when using it. The next night, my ring finger did the same thing. It is so hard to explain the feeling, but it feels like my fingers are brittle and could literally break off at any moment. I know after Tia is born, they should go back to normal, but ouch! My doc says it is both the pregnancy and signs of carpel tunnel. My mom has carpel tunnel in her right hand and has had surgeries in the past. With my heavy computer usage at work, I know my right hand has always had some signs of carpel tunnel, but right now, it is both hands that majorly hurt. In fact, it is my thumb on my left hand that feels sprained. All I know is that I have only a few things that have been downfalls of pregnancy and the major swelling and pain in my hands is the top thing! Tiredness in the first trimester was a bear and of course not being able to have a cocktail, but the hands - I can definitely do without the pain. Most women get it in their feet, but mine is in my hands. Only a week or so to go - then hopefully it will be done!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No Set Date Yet

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 - Day 269

Went to the doc today and I was hoping he would give me an official date of induction, but he didn't. He is no longer going out of town, so no need to rush the labor if we don't have to, sooo we are taking it another few days before making a decision. I have my next appointment on Monday and then at that point, we'll go over all of our options. It is exciting to know that the final days are here! My last day of work is tomorrow and she could come any time. Sometime next week is most likely, but it is looking at later in the week as opposed to earlier as originally talked about. We are good with that but do hope she comes before Christmas! Although, Christmas is way after my due date, so most likely I'll go before, but I guess we'll see!

I'm still almost 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Her heartbeat is great, my blood pressure is great. I only gained one pound since last week and all is looking good. He did say that if I went some time this next week, my cervix is ready to go. Heck, maybe I won't need an induction and will go on my own. It is getting harder to sit indian style and get up, but if it is only a week or so more, I think I can handle it.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Final Days at Work

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009 - Day 268

My final day at work is set for Friday, December 11th before I go on maternity leave. I have so much to do at work too. And a ton of last minute items popped up and have really taken up a lot of my time. I had a talk with Tia and she has agreed not to come before Saturday so I could fulfill my final days at work. If I can get everything done then that is less times I'll have to do during maternity leave. I am going back to work on Monday, March 8th. It will definitely be nice to have the break to be with Tia!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Bags are packed

Monday December 7th, 2009 - Day 267

One of my to-dos was to pack our bags for the hospital but time and other to-dos just kept pushing it off. Finally, I was able to get them packed and now we are ready to go.

I did need a few supplies so I went to the store. One thing some people told me to get were depends. They did say it does sound funny but I'd be thankful if I was bleeding a lot. So there I was in the aisle of all the adult diapers and I had no idea which one I should get. Suddenly, an old lady in a motorized cart pulls up and starts asking me for advice on what she should get. When I told her I wasn't buying them for someone else but for myself I got a lot of looks from others. I thought the whole thing was so funny. An old lady asking me for advice.

But I think I packed the essentials and we are ready to go!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our Final Baby Shower

Sunday, December 6th, 2009 - Day 266

Written by Baby Daddy:

We finally had our last baby shower at Aunt Jenny's. This was a little bit different in that it was a couple's shower so I was there as well. I think everyone had a great time. Good food and drinks were plenty. It was nice seeing some of my friends that I hadn't seen in a while. We got some really great gifts and enough gift cards to purchase our last piece of baby furniture which we paid for today.

We even got a gag gift from our friend Lisa. As soon as I seen it, I had to try it on. Yes the apron does say "I Poop, Daddy Scoops" along with having a legend of what the different colors of poop mean.

Pay close attention to the tongs. If your over at our house when we're BBQ'ing, and you see me using these, you may want to ask me to cook your burger well done. = )

Saturday, December 5, 2009

38 Week Doc Appointment

Saturday, December 5th, 2009 - Day 265

Went to the doctor yesterday and I'm now 2 centimeters dilated (almost 3) and still 50% effaced. When the doc was feeling my tummy, he noticed I had a contraction. He tried to explain to me what they feel like, but I still can't tell. He said that when she balls up, but she always does that - hence why we call her Tia Pot Pie sometimes.

They talked me into getting the H1N1 vaccine. I have been torn on the whole H1N1 flu shot deal and was trying to get by without getting it. But after talking to doc and having him explain everything to me in medical terms and all the benefits, I agreed to get it. They had it right in the office and it didn't hurt at all. So now I have it and I'll just have to pray it doesn't hurt baby or myself in anyway, but rather helps us be immune to the H1N1 sickness.

Doc still says she'll probably arrive within a week early - yay! I can't wait to meet her! After I left, I felt crampy all day and all the girls at work thought I was experiencing early labor, but I knew it was just uncomfort from having my cervix measured and I had a little bit of a bloody show.

My next doctor's appointment is next Wednesday - which is possibly my last appointment! woo hoo

Friday, December 4, 2009

Becoming Baby Wise

Friday, December 4th, 2009 - Day 264

An old friend referred a book to me called 'On Becoming Baby Wise' and I have to say that I love what it is all about. It centers around family relationships and how they have a big affect on how your baby reacts, sleeps, enters the family, etc. One thing I told Chris early in our relationship even before we got married was that one of my goals in parenting is that he and I will make each other a priority. Yes, we'll love our kids to no end but our marriage and relationship comes first and foremost. I have always believed that if a marriage bong is strong, the parenting bond will transcend into our kids nicely because with a household of love, trust and being on the same page - the kids will develop the same foundations of healthy family oriented principals. Now, of course, this is easier said than done and to be honest, it definitely takes both husband and wife wanting the same goals in a marriage and parenting style. But, of course, my wonderful husband agrees with my principles and hopes for the same. Now, I had no idea that these very principles are the foundation of the book 'On Becoming Baby Wise' and let me tell you, it is so nice to read that these principles are proven factors for happy babies. Many couples make their child the center of the family and everything that happens is all about making baby happy, but what you create is a little monster, so to speak. Because they realize early on that they have control over you - when they cry, you respond. When they are hungry - you search for every food they like until they are a happy. When they want something - the parent will do literally anything to ensure they are the happy and not crying. But, if you show the baby early on that the husband and wife bond are the control factor, the baby wants to be a part of that too and realizes that there are 3 people in the family who are equally important. Not baby cries, baby gets meaning it is baby-centered and mommy and daddy respond by doing anything they can until they are virtually exhausted.

I'm only a few chapters into the book and I already bought Becoming Baby Wise #2 Book, but I believe every word of the book and I can't wait to use them. I agree that how you raise your children from day one will affect their entire life. I'm not saying parenting is easy and you can use these principles uniformly. I'm just saying that going in a bit prepared is wise for Chris and I. We both agree that being on the same page with our parenting style is key and we plan to do our best to never let our children pin one of us against the other. But I'm excited and I know that regardless of what happens Chris and I will be the best parents we are able to be to our children!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Two Thumbs Down

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009 - Day 263

Okay, so my hands are on a routine basis to swell while I'm sleeping. At first, they ached, but now I wake up in major pain. My thumbs are the worst and I'm not sure why. They feel like they will break if I put any pressure on them. One of the first things I do in the morning is brush my teeth and if I use my thumb to press out the toothpaste, I yelp out in pain. I haven't been able to wear my wedding rings in over a month and have been wearing a replacement band that has always been too big. It is almost too small now because my hands continue to get bigger as the days progress. I feel like I have carpal tunnel. My doctor says it is normal and most women are affected in the ankle area, but some in the hands. My ankles are just fine - my feet have grown a tiny bit - but my ankles have not swelled at all. BUT my hands on the otherhand - ouch! I've always had more sweat glands in my hands so it doesn't surprise me, but this is one ailment of pregnancy I'll be happy to rid once she's born.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bowling Maternity Leave

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 - Day 262

I was planning on bowling up until Tues Dec 8th but it was decided last night it was my last night of bowling before maternity leave. I think my friends at bowling are a little scared I might fall or hurt myself which probably isn't too far off. Plus our team is in first place and I'm not as reliable in getting my average or better this past month. In fact, last week I bowled terrible. Last night I bowled right around my average in the low 160s so it wasn't too bad but before late pregnancy I'd usually have a game or two much higher.

My replacement bowler is a rockstar and so since our team is in first place and next week is the deciding night on which team will take first place for 1st half - it was decided to have my rockstar replacement bowl next week for me. I'll be there to cheer them on! And I'll return in late February.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Doctor's Orders

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009 - Day 261

I'm not going to go into details about what 'Doctor's Orders' mean but let's just say that our Doc gave us some instructions on how we can help with our baby progressing along into labor. Chris and I have been pretty diligent into keeping up with our Doctor's Orders and I do think it is helping. I think our little girl is as excited to break out of there as we are to meet her, so anything we can do to help is what we intend to do. 11 days and counting....

Monday, November 30, 2009

Pantyliner for Pregnancy

Monday, November 30th, 2009 - Day 260

For those who have been pregnant before will be the ones who understand the power of pantyliners. I'll say that I've been one of the lucky ones who hasn't used pantyliners since high school and hasn't needed them throughout my pregnancy until these final few weeks. But with most pregnancies, especially near the end, there is a need for pantyliners bigtime. I was apprehensive about going to buy some because the vision in my mind of what pantyliners would look like were a very thick, uncomfortable spongelike pad that would not feel very natural.

To my surprise, I found the perfect pantyliner. Always Pantyliners Flexi. They come in packs of 50 and the box is super small which means they are thin. They are adhesive and mold to the shape of your underwear. I love them and don't even notice I am wearing one. So if you are looking for a good, thin pantyliner - try these.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

2 Weeks & Counting

Sunday, November 29th, 2009 – Day 259

Written by Baby Daddy:

We're only 2 weeks away now and I'm so excited. After seeing those latest ultrasound pictures, I can't wait to meet our daughter. It's truly amazing how far technology has come that they can get a picture like that now.
I have the carseat already buckled up in my car and plan on stopping by the fire station sometime this week to have them inspect it. I don't remember where I heard it, but they say that roughly 80% of people do not have there carseat properly strapped in. I definitely do not want to be a part of that statistic. I'm also going to start packing my overnight bag for the hospital pretty soon just in case our baby decides to come a little early.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Lots of Great Food - mmmmm

Saturday, November 28th, 2009 – Day 258

Tia and I definitely took advantage this holiday season with all of the good food that was available. At every Thanksgiving gathering we went to, we had 2 helpings and boy was it all good. I love mashed potatoes, homemade noodles, turkey and dessert. My mom had pot roast and my favorite Thai noodles. It was all yummy and I definitely ate more as a pregnant girl than I would have otherwise. We definitely out ate daddy! Since we won't be having too much great family cooking at Christmas time since we will be at home this Christmas with our newborn, I was happy to take advantage while I could at Thanksgiving! mmmmm

Friday, November 27, 2009

Seriously, the Potty Breaks have Doubled

Friday, November 27th, 2009 – Day 257

I already went to the bathroom a zillion times a day and at least 5 or 6 times during the middle of the night, but now that she's dropped and has her head on my bladder, I go twice as much. It is crazy how often I go to the bathroom. Especially during the middle of the night, I go every 30 or 40 minutes. I just hope it doesn't get worse but I think it will as it gets closer. My appetite has gotten bigger now that she's moved down a bit. But according to the doctor, she is head down and getting in position. So knowing that things are progressing, having to go to the bathroom ALL the time is worth it. Chris laughs because he thinks I go through one roll of toilet paper every night and I don't think he's far off! Thank goodness for bulk purchases from Sams.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 26th, 2009 – Day 256

Today is Tia's first unofficial Thanksgiving and we have a lot of family gatherings the next few days. Today we'll be hitting my mom's house for lunch, Chris's mom's house for dinner, tomorrow my dad's family for lunch and then Chris's dad's family for dinner. We went to dinner with Chris's Aung and Uncle last night and the other 3 - 4 Christimas gatherings we usually have aren't happening this year due to everyone's crazy schedules. But no matter what, Tia is going to get plenty of Turkey and mashed potatoes the next few days. Mmmmmm

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I love my baby Tia!

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009 – Day 255

Today we had our ultrasound and it was so great. My mom and mother-n-law also joined and we were all overjoyed when we got to see our little girl. The first time the sonographer showed her face, I bursted out with tears of joy. She was beautiful and it just made me even more excited.

I think we all enjoyed the ultrasound very much. They made sure that she was in fact a little girl and measured her to be only 5 lbs and 4 oz, which is a super small baby.

After the ultrasound, they hooked me up to a machine that measured Tia's heartrate as well as contractions since she is measure on the small side. Her heartbeat was very steady and they were hoping to see some spikes in her heartrate which would be a good thing. For about 10 minutes, the heartbeats were pretty steady around the 138 to 142 range. The nurse comes in and gives me four mini candy bars to eat and once I ate them, Tia's heartrate started to spike up to the 158 to 162 range. When the nurse came back in about 10 minutes later, she was pleased with the results.

The doctor then came in and measured me to be 1 centimeter dialated and 50% thinned. She said that the baby's heartbeat was perfect and that I am having contractions (which I don't feel). So everything is going accordingley and even though she's measuring small, they still plan to take her a week early.

Which means 2 weeks from Sunday or Monday, we may meet our little girl! I can't wait.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

She's a Girl, Right?

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009 – Day 254

So my mom said my belly looks like I'm carrying like I'm having a boy. The scary thing about my mom, is that she is usually dead on when predicting baby genders. So it scares me because EVERYTHING we have is pink and for a little girl. And we all know that sonographers aren't 100% all the time. We wouldn't be upset if they were wrong because we just want a healthy baby, BUT we'd definitely have to scramble to change the color schemes and return some of the girl items. A few other people have made comments that I look like I'm having a boy too. I am hoping we can confirm it tomorrow at our ultrasound.

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's So Hot in Here!

Monday, November 23rd, 2009 – Day 253

As I enter my final weeks of pregnancy, one thing has certainly gone up and that is my temperature level. I've still been wearing short sleeved shirts and still it never ceases to amaze me that I can get a hotflash or two while I'm working. I have a ton of projects that I'm trying to get finished and there are some times when I get a little hot but this week, I start sweating. Before pregnancy, I never sweat, but things are different now. My coworkers laugh at me because they can see the 'glistening' on my face and arms. It does make me laugh, but wfew - it feels so hot! So this is what hotflashes feels like.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Short Week Ahead

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009 – Day 252

I'm looking forward to a short week this week. I have Thanksgiving and the day after off, but took Wednesday off as well for doctor's appointments. I'm really looking forward to this week just seeing family, eating a lot of food and of course going to my doctor's appointment. Wednesday, I'll have my 36 week ultrasound and will be measured for the first time to see how baby is doing. I love short weeks!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Nesting in the Baby Room

Saturday, November 21st, 2009 – Day 251

I don't exactly think I'm nesting, per say, but I am excited that I get to fix up Tia's baby room. We got her crib all decorated last week, but this week I put all of her clothes in the dresser, put some clothes in the closet, and organized some other stuff. I had Chris help me pick out a shelf to match the bedroom set to put in the closet for the diapers, burpclothes, ointments, wipes, toys, etc. I just love how it is turning out. We went today and got some shelves for the wall to place picture frames and other cute trinkets. We also got a curtain rod for the valance. Oh it is looking so good! We do have a few more items to get but I love how the room is and how perfect it will be for our little bundle of joy!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tia's Heartbeat

Friday, November 20th, 2009 – Day 250

I went to the doctor today and they gave me the Strep B test. I really am not sure exactly what it is all about but hopefully I won't have positive results. My doctor was in emergency surgery so I saw the nurse practitioner instead. I was supposed to have my cervix measured, but she said since I haven't had any contractions that we would wait until next week.

As one of my gifts from my work shower, Tia received a gift card to Build-a-Bear so I went to Build-a-Bear and bought a recorder. The recorder is for kids to record sayings and then put the recorder insider their bears. I didn't buy a bear or any accessories, I just bought the recorder and took it to my doctor's appointment today. When we heard Tia's heartbeat, I used the recorder to record about 10 seconds of her heartbeat. Now, once she's born - Chris and I can go to Build-a-Bear and buy a bear we think would be perfect for her and place the recorder inside. Tia can hear her own heartbeat anytime she wants. We've heard it is very soothing.

Plus, I get to hear her heartbeat without going to the doctor. It is so cute.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

What a Great Idea - Is it a Boy or Girl?

Thursday, November 19th, 2009 – Day 249

One of my best friends from college and her husband are expecting their first child and they just hit their 22 week mark. They had their ultrasound to find out the sex of their baby and instead of them finding out there, they had their sonographer put the gender in an envelope and she sent it directly to a local bakery. The bakery will make a cake and the batter will be dyed blue for boy and pink for girl. My friends are having a party next week and at the party with some of the friends and family, they will cut into the cake and find out what they are having. Isn't that a great idea. I love it! I can't wait to find out what they are having...will Tia have another best girlfriend or a future boyfriend?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Teaching for Junior Achievement

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 – Day 248

The company I work for does an annual Junior Achievement in a Day event where we teach an entire school for a day. Last year, I co-taught Kindergarten with my co-worker Karry. It was my first time and it was a bit overwhelming, BUT was so rewarding and a great experience. This year, we decided to teach 1st grade so we'd recognize many of the students that we had last year. Unfortunately, Karry was out sick and not able to teach, so I had to teach by myself for the majority of the day. At first, I was scared to death, but I just embraced it and decided that it is what it is and no sense in getting nervous. I think I did pretty well considering and my boss arrived about the 4th activity and she helped teach activity 5 as well. It was a really fun time and although my feet really hurt, it was another rewarding day. Many of the students were loving my belly and hugging/touching, naming, asking questions and loving Tia.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tiredness is Back

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 – Day 247

I knew that the 3rd trimester would bring on the tired stage again but I was pleasantly surprised that it really hadn't started until my final month. I'm definitley having to go to bed earlier and no matter how much sleep I get, I'm still very tired. It hasn't affected my work because work has been crazy busy lately. Not to mention getting ready for maternity leave, work will continue to be crazy until my last day. I hope it doesn't get worse though - I don't want to be sluggish when I need to have energy!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Linea Nigra

Monday, November 16th, 2009 – Day 246

Before I was pregnant, I had heard that since I'm darker skinned, I'd have the chance of developing a line down my belly. Well, I definitely have this and according to my doctor, it is called Linea Nigra. I have always had a really big birth mark just below my chest. The birthmark is huge, and I've always called it an upside down Christmas tree because that is what it looks like. To give you an idea of how big it is, I'd guestimate it as being the size of a piece of pie. The line I've developed during pregnancy runs from this birthmark all the way to my belly button then all the way down to my hoo-hah. It divides my belly perfectly in half. It is sort of neat.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rams Game

Sunday, November 15th, 2009 – Day 245

Written by Baby Daddy:

Today Angie & I went to the Rams game compliments of Lisa (thanks Lisa!!). I wasn't expecting a good game at all, figuring it would be a blow-out by the Saints, but was pleasantly surprised. We still lost, but it came down to a final endzone pass that was incomplete. It was a great time other than the clowns sitting about 6-7 seats down from us. There were 2 couples and I literally think that Angie & I got up about 16 times to let them go by. The girls were very rude as they would walk up when my back was turned and instead of saying "excuse me" they would tap me on my shoulder and I certainly never heard a "thank you" when they walked by. Finally, on their last trip by us I didn't get up and barely moved my legs. I mumbled out loud to Angie when they were right in front of us about it being pretty ridiculous that they're having a pregnant woman get up that many times. In my mind, they were close enough to the middle that they could have gone out the other side at least a couple of times. Maybe I'm just being a grouchy old man, but I get very defensive when Angie & baby are with me.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

FastTrack Class

Saturday, November 14th, 2009 – Day 244

Today, Chris and I attended a pregnancy class. It is called FastTrack and covers all the basics in 8 hours. We aren't the type to over educate ourselves and we didn't want to attend a class once a week for a month or anything like that. So we did the FastTrack class. It was very insightful and there were 9 other couples who attended. It is always nice to hear that others have the same concerns as us and we all have the same questions. There was one couple expecting identical twins - I thought that was neat. 5 of the 10 couples were all due on December 28th. I was happy we attended because it really answered some of the questions I had about the hospital and a few other things. The tour was perfect because now I know where to instruct family/friends to go if they decide to visit us in the hospital. I was disappointed we didn't get to see any babies in the nursery, they were all in the rooms with their mommies. But all in all, I would recommend it to any expecting couple delivering at St. Lukes.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Sitting on the Sidelines

Friday, November 13th, 2009 – Day 243

Since I'm the event planner for my company, I plan all of our teambuilding staff events. For today, I planned our staff to do Demolition Ball which is an annual tradition since I've been with Technology Partners. What it is - you are in a mini bumper car with a plastic ball scoop. Five people are on each team and the point is to get this woofle ball to a goal at each end of the cart. It is a blast, but you do get bumped around and nearly whiplash. It is so funny to see the personalities that come out of these competitions. We do a round robin tournament and one team wins.

I had to sit on the sidelines today and watch which was fine with me. Yes, there were moments where it was hard because I love playing, but seeing some of the people get jolted around - I was happy that I was watching and baby was safe.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Crib is Beautiful

Thursday, November 12th, 2009 – Day 242

I could not hardly wait. I have had so much going on every night that I could not wait until I had a night free to work on the baby room. Our crib was finally up and I was obsessed with working on it first and foremost. We didn't have a mattress, so I went to Mattress Giant to get a crib mattress and they didn't sell any, hmmm. So I went to Babies-R-Us and got a Serta Perfect Sleeper crib mattress, got a mattress pad and was on my way home to get it started. Chris had a work dinner, so it was all me getting the crib started. I got home put the mattress in the crib and got our sheet/crib set out and decorated the crib. Chris got home and put together the mobile that goes with it and we put that on there too. Oh it looks so good. I love it! So excited!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Waddle is Here

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009 – Day 241

Everyone still tells me how small I am and honestly, I do feel small compared to some of the 8+ month pregnant girls I know. I have been moving around easily and I haven't had too much trouble getting up. However, I've hit that stage where I'm waddling around - I feel like a duck. Getting out of bed or out of a car is tougher and I feel a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen. I still have 5 weeks to go - and I know it is only going to get harder.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hands are Swelling

Tuesday, November 10th, 2009 – Day 240

Doctor always checks my ankles to see if my feet have swelled. Although, my shoe size is a size bigger, there really hasn't been much swelling in my feet. Now my hands are a different story. I've been noticing the past few days that it has been tough to get my wedding ring off at night. This morning I woke up and it wouldn't even go over the front of the knuckle. I had to dig out another ring to wear in place of my wedding ring. I read in a baby calendar that the third trimester is a good time to take your rings off due to swelling, but I really didn't think it would apply to me. Boy was I wrong.

Not only that, but I bowled last week and my thumb kept getting stuck in the thumb hole. It would pop off and loft real high before thudding on the lane. Everyone was worried I was going to go with the ball. I made it through the night but it wasn't pretty. Tonight, I got there early and took my ball to the pro shop to get the thumb hole drilled out. He drilled out the hole and I went and bowled a few balls, but my thumb kept getting stuck. So I went back in there again and he drilled it out even more. After throwing one ball, it was still getting stuck, so one last time he drilled it out and this time it was perfect. Next week may be a different story.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I Love Birthdays

Monday, November 9th, 2009 – Day 239

Most people who know me know that I love birthdays. Today is mine and it was the best one yet. My amazing husband got me flowers and a beautiful card, then he took me to one of my favorite restaurants - Kobe. We both stuffed ourselves - but it was worth it! He even helped baby Tia buy mommy a birthday card that was adorable.

I'm 32 and life is going great. I think the best present of all is Tia. I am so excited to meet her and birthdays for myself just really aren't the greatest thing now - I have a new purpose and the moment she is born will be the first birth-day of many birthdays for our baby girl.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Baby Room is Coming Together

Sunday, November 8th, 2009 – Day 238

Written by Baby Daddy:

Well, I'm finally putting the finishing touches on Tia's room. I washed all of the baseboards with a sponge and then repainted them all. I also washed the bedroom & closet doors and touched them up as well. I just finished repainting the closet and touching up the bedroom walls as we speak. Next I'm going to vacuum & then steam clean the carpet. Once that is done, we'll finally be able to start moving our little girl's stuff in. Angie and I are very excited!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cravings? That's My Excuse

Saturday, November 7th, 2009 – Day 237

Everyone is always asking me if I crave anything and the truth is that I really don't. I'm always hungry and I eat whatever is around, but I really don't 'have to have' any particular thing. I will say that this kid takes after daddy, because most of the things I'm in the mood for are white pasta, chickens, chocolate, cereal, and things that Chris loves. I love red pastas, steak, sweets like runts, and ever since I got pregnant I usually want what Chris is having.

I went into work today to work on our company computers. I took over all of our Technical Support duties a couple years back for my company and I do this in addition to my normal roles and I've been trying to get all of our 33 computers up to date before I go to maternity leave. But it has been hard because I can only do it when people are out for the day or away from their computers for a lengthy amount of time. So I decided to come in on a Saturday to get the remaining computers done and completed so I can work on my other tasks before I leave for a few months.

What is funny is that I don't crave anything BUT if it is in front of me, I tend to want it. I did a somewhat funny thing today while I was at work. I peaked in some of my coworkers drawers for candy. Of course only those who I knew usually have a lot of candy. I saw large bags of halloween candy and I did steal a bag of m&ms or two. I had to laugh at myself.

It will be interesting to see how I am with any future pregnancies - will I have cravings OR will they love foods I like? I guess time will tell.

Friday, November 6, 2009

All Good at the Doc

Friday, November 6th, 2009 – Day 236

Today started my weekly appointments with the doctor. I've gained 3 pounds from 2 weeks ago and am about 25 pounds so far. Her heartbeat sounded great, my blood pressure was good and my measurements were on par. He did say that she was a small baby which is just fine. He said that the birth will be easier on me and baby and those who have very large babies have a harder time, so look at it as a positive thing. Starting next week, they'll start measuring my cervix and get a 'closer' view of my progress. If all goes as planned, then she will be here before 12-20. My mom sister Sam and sister Nan will be happy because they are leaving for Thailand on 12-24. Plus I'm super excited to meet my little Tia. The final stretch is here - I'm nervous, scared, excited, apprehensive and overjoyed all at the same time.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Almost 6 Weeks Left

Thursday, November 5th, 2009 – Day 235

On Sunday, I will have 6 weeks until my due date. It just sounds crazy that 10 months is flying by. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and every week after that. I can't believe I have to go every week, but I guess that is part of it. I hope things are going well and all is well with Tia. Last time, I was at about 25 pounds in weight gain, which I have heard is pretty normal.

I've been trying to get all of my to-dos done at work so I can start preparing for maternity leave, it just seems crazy how time is flying by. I can't wait until Tia is here, but I'll be on maternity leave for 12 weeks and I want to make sure I leave everything perfectly executable for all of my back-ups. I guess we'll see how it goes!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm Pregnant - Not Dead

Wednesday, November 4th, 2009 – Day 234

Seriously, being pregnant has its pros and cons. One perk is that no one will let you pick up, carry, or move anything. I feel so hopeless sometimes. My boss and I went to our company's storage unit to get a box of messenger bags I needed for a Service Project we are doing and she had to carry them for me. I just wanted to take it from her, but every time I attempted, she wouldn't let me. Even for the Halloween Bus Party, my friends wouldn't let me do a thing. I had a coworker deliver a box of business cards to me and when I told her what employee they were for, she wanted to deliver them for me so I didn't have to lift anything - okay a small box of business cards can do no harm. I'm picking up my 14 pound bowling ball for pete's sake. Although, I have to admit, it is nice having the royal treatment. Even with Chris having his recent surgery, our friends are the same with with him as well. Only a few more weeks to go - I might as well milk it for what I can, right?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bowling for Preggos

Tuesday, November 3rd, 2009 – Day 233

I haven't bowled in 4 weeks because Chris had ACL surgery and I've been taking him to and from work/Physical Therapy. Plus I wanted to be home in the evening to help him with anything he may need. Now that he is pretty much self sufficient enough to hobble around and get what he needs, I went back to bowling tonight. First of all, there is another girl pregnant in the league. She is the youngest and I'm the second youngest in the entire league. Although, her new sub and my new sub are both youngins too. She is having a girl as well and is 4 weeks ahead of me. So tonight our teams were playing each other. It was literally preggo vs preggo and we are both lead off bowlers for our teams. She is a lot bigger than I am and I was amazed that only being 2.5 weeks away, she was bowling. She made it a game and a half and had to leave because her back was hurting her. I did fine the first game - a bit rusty, but had a pretty good score. Then my hands were swelling and my thumb was too big - the ball kept sticking on my thumb and I almost went with the ball a few times. I wasn't doing that great score-wise, but I was just concerned about bowling with safetly. But the kicker was my thighs were burning. I felt like I was on the leg spreader machine at the gym all night doing about 100 sets. I couldn't believe how sore my uppper inside thighs were. I think being away from bowling for over a month, they were not stretched out. I have 5 more weeks of bowling - so hopefully I'll be able to make it!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Watch our for My Belly

Monday, November 2nd, 2009 – Day 232

So Halloween was a lot of fun, even though I wasn't able to drink. Chris was hobbling around and I was waddling around, so we were quite the pair. Chris doesn't drink much anyways and of course I wasn't able to drink, so we were more low key than usual. Being completely sober, I was well aware of when my belly was being touched, rubbed, bumped or fondled. Of course early on, several people touched my belly and were gentle, but as the night wore on and people started to drink more, the gentleness wasn't quite there. Of course, I don't mind if people touch my belly, even if I don't know them...but I would always hope that people would be gentle and not be too hard when they tug at my big ole belly. There were a couple girl friends of mine who were a bit intoxicated and they would poke, pinch, tug, and be a lot harder on my belly than I was comfortable with. I know they had good intentions, but there was a time or two when I was actually somewhat worried that they hurt my Tia girl. Finally, by the end, if I saw one of these girls coming, I'd cover my belly like I was hiding a football and say 'she's sleeping right now'. It did the trick, but wow - you'd think the first 100 times they got to fondle my belly would have been good enough. I knew who I could be comfortable around to touch my belly, even at the end of the night and those girls/girls were A-Okay to rub my Buddha belly. It is amazing how worried I get with Tia and she isn't even born yet. Even Chris was worried at times. I think he would have lunged at anyone who dare hurt or hit my belly by mistake. There was a fight or two that broke out and Chris was great in trying to guard Tia from harm. He's going to be such a great dad. A big worry wart, but I can appreciate that.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

One Step at a Time

Sunday, November 1st, 2009 – Day 231

Written by Baby Daddy:

There's so much going on right now, it's almost hard to decide what to do next. Angie and I have been taking one step at a time which definitely helps. The Halloween Bus Party was a great success and is now behind us. I'm in the middle of some training at work which will be finished this week. We have almost all of our furniture for the baby room now. Once I finish the touch-ups, we'll be able to move all of the baby's stuff in. We have a new TV coming in since our old roomie owned the previous entertainment center. We just finished up picking out a daycare for our little girl. I'm finally starting to move around on my own a little better, although full recovery is going to take a while. It's really nice having everything come together.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tia's first unofficial Halloween

Saturday, October 31st, 2009 – Day 230

Today's Halloween and since I put on the Halloween Bus Party every year, Chris and I will be getting all dressed up and we'll be out and about for Halloween. Being 8 months pregnant, my costume is a plus size, but it fits! For those who don't know, I have had a Halloween Party for 10 years. I thought about not having it because I was pregnant, but being the 10th anniversary of the Halloween Bus Party and it falling on Halloween, I couldn't let my people down! I'm a bit worried to how it will go with my belly though. Will the music be too loud? Will I get hit in my belly from a stranger by accident? Will people be constantly tugging on my belly? Will Tia be annoyed? Will my feet make it all night? So many questions. But since I won't be drinking, I am confident I will be okay. Plus, Chris will be there to protect us. I'm excited - I think it will be fun.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tia's Going to School

Friday, October 30, 2009 – Day 229

We went and looked at child care facilities. I've been doing some research and had narrowed it down to the the top few places that we wanted to look at. Chris and I took a half day and went and met with the places we had picked. We went to the Goddard School in Fenton and we loved what we saw and heard, but they did not have an opening until November of 2010. The Goddard school in Fenton is the perfect location because it is on my way to work on HWY 141 and it is within 5 minutes of Chris's work. Then we went and met with La Petite Academy just around the corner from Goddard in Fenton. It didn't have that wow affect we had with Goddard, but it definitely was under consideration because of the location and it was a bit cheaper than Goddard. There were a few negatives but nothing that was a deal breaker. Our last stop was the Goddard School in Arnold. It is 10 minutes from our house, BUT an hour from my work and it would be very difficult for me to get there before they closed every day IF Chris wasn't able to pick up our little girl. The plan has been for me to drop her off and Chris to pick her up every day. We walked into the Goddard in Arnold and were in love. It was awesome and they had an opening too. We could start at the Goddard in Arnold and then move to the one in Fenton in November. The other downfall to this is that we plan to move early next year and being stuck until November would not coincide with our plans for child care places in Arnold.

The Goddard School in Arnold just had everything we had hoped for and it really impressed both of us. I loved when we walked in, Chris mumbled so I could hear 'I already love this place better' and I had to agree. It was bigger, brighter and had a gorgeous layout both inside and outside than the Goddard in Fenton. Don't get me wrong, the Fenton location is great too - but it is an older building and not as much land to work with. The Goddard Schools are franchised and so under different managements you get different rules and stipulations. There were a couple things the Goddard School in Arnold had that were more in line with our goals than the one in Fenton. Just so many pluses for Arnold Goddard School that we were even joking that we may have to stay in Arnold for longer.

But with all things, sometimes things happen for a reason. The Director who was giving us the tour of the Goddard School in Arnold said 'we are opening one in Ballwin and I'll be going to be the Director of that one'. I immediately was overjoyed and excited, but apprehensive as I asked the questions 'does the Ballwin location open soon and do they have any openings'...and both answers were perfect. They were opening in January of 2010 and they had one opening. I looked at Chris and he already knew what I was thinking. Ballwin is the area we are hoping to move to and it would be the perfect location for day care, plus we have family and friends in that area that could always help out if we needed to pick-up/drop-off, etc.

What I love about the Goddard Schools is that infants don't share cribs. They only have 8 spots in the infant room and we can decorate our baby's crib with our own sheets, mobile, etc. Plus, it felt so safe and clean in the infant room. I had no doubt that our baby would get the safe care that she needed and at such an early age. What is also nice about the Ballwin opening is that it is going to be the exact same size and layout as the Arnold one. It will have the same rules and policies and amenities. It just sounded perfect. Since there are only 8 spots, I also know that not only will the last spot go quick, but once they are gone, it would be very difficult to get in there in the future.

Chris and went home and talked it over and the next morning, we drove up there with the contract and check and signed up our little girl. With this school, I have no worries about leaving her for the day to go to work when I'm back from maternity leave. Chris feels the same way. Woo Hoo, our little girl is going to school. The other thing I loved about Arnold is that every teacher had a degree and CE in education. This is not common with other child care places. Plus they are one of the only accredited schools and offer infant care to Kindergarten care. Since Ballwin will follow the same pattern as Arnold, we are confident they will be working on that same status.

I drove to work as if I would be dropping Tia off at the Goddard School in Ballwin, and it was perfect! I'm excited!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Belly Itcher

Thursday, October 29, 2009 – Day 228

I know my belly is growing because I am constantly scratching my belly. It feels great when I itch all around my belly. Someone asked me if I use Cocoa Butter and I haven't. I thought about it once upon a time, but I guess I was waiting for stretch marks or some sure reason to do it. I guess I should definitelhy consider it because it is after the baby is born when I'll wish I had. But as she grows bigger these final weeks, I'll just consider myself to be a belly itcher, because right now, that is exactly what I am.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yes, I'm Small for Being 8 Months Pregnant

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 – Day 227

I get the same exact reaction from all people who meet me for the first time. They all ask, 'when are you due' and then when I say '12-20'....they have a look of astonishment and say pretty much the same thing 'wow, you are so small' or 'you are tiny for being that far along' or 'you certainly don't look like you are due in December' or 'that's going to be one small baby'. Part of me takes it as a compliment since I haven't gained too much baby weight and then the other part of me wonders why I look so small. With about 7 weeks and a few days left until my due date, I always thought I'd be huge too. So I can't blame them, but what does it mean. I will have to ask my doctor what he thinks. I'm sure I'm normal and just wear the baby belly well since I'm tall and somewhat lean.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chris is a Natural

Tuesday, October 27, 2009 – Day 226

Tonight we had dinner with some friends. One couple had a 7 month old baby boy with them and boy was he a cutie. It really heightens my baby mode when I am around other babies. Chris held this little boy for a while and it was just so sweet seeing Chris as such a natural with kids. I am so lucky to have someone who wants kids as much as I do and who is so natural around them. I can't wait to see him with Tia - but I already know he'll be a great daddy.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Whole New World

Monday, October 26, 2009 – Day 225

Chris and I are figuring things out as best as we can. We are both extremely analytical and together, we can come up with the best solutions (most of the time). Trying to figure out how many car seats/pumpkin seats that we needed was actually quite fun. It was like a light bulb went off in both of our heads when we realized we only really need one pumpkin seat and two car bases. We pretty much did a high five in our own revelation. We've had many of these moments as we've gone along. So much fun discovering the steps of this journey together. I can't wait to watch us putting on diapers for the first time. Last time I changed a diaper was my little sisters and I think for Chris, it was his brothers. Let's see Sam is 17 and Brandon is 16 - that is a long time since we've changed a diaper. So this should be extra fun, lol

Sunday, October 25, 2009

We Have a Crib

Sunday, October 25, 2009 – Day 224

Written by Baby Daddy:

Thanks to everyone's gift cards and cash from the baby showers, Angie and I were able to purchase a crib this weekend. I never realized how expensive baby furniture is, but the set we purchased can grow with our baby girl. The crib is a 4 in 1 and actually converts from an infant's bed all the way to a teenager's bed. We both agree that the color is gorgeous. Anyway, we will start to move the baby's stuff in to the spare bedroom soon. Daddy just has some touch-ups to do.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Results from Diabetes Test

Saturday, October 24, 2009 – Day 223

I went to a doctor's appointment yesterday and my doctor wasn't there because he had a delivery to do at a different hospital. But I was able to see the nurse practitioner. I asked about my 3 hour Gestational Diabetes test results and she let me know that they came back okay. The first 3 blood tests were in the clear, although the last blood test was slightly elevated. There is nothing much I can do, although she said if I wanted to take some precautionary measures, I could watch my sugar and carb intake. I might try, but I love sugar and carbs a little too much. But I'll try ;) All else looked good. My weight and blood pressure came back great. I got to hear Tia's heartbeat and it is at 145. What was so cute, was that Tia had the hiccups. So we would hear the fast swoosh heartbeat and then a loud boom. At first, the practitioner thought it was her kicking, but when we heard a steady boom, she conferred that Tia did have the hiccups. It was so cute.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Plus Size Costumes

Friday, October 23, 2009 – Day 222

I went to the costume shop and decided I wanted to find Chris and I's costumes so I wouldn't have to scramble at the last minute. I looked at the Pregnant Nun costume, but could not fathom myself wearing that head piece all night. I originally wanted to be a disco ball, but logistically, it just wasn't going to be an easy task. I think the bun in the oven is a cute costume, but I sort of wanted to do something not maternity. I tried on a bunch of costumes and found one I sort of liked. I'm going to be a St. Pauley's girl. I had to get the Plus Size costume which is hysterical. I think I look like a house, but at least I look half way flattering. I got Chris the Laderhosen costume and it is perfect for him. I guess when you will be 8 months pregnant on Halloween, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm Getting Excited - Baby Room

Thursday, October 22, 2009 – Day 221

Today, our roommate and cousin, Jeremy, closed on his new house. He moved most of this stuff out of our house today and I'm overjoyed. Don't get me wrong, he was an easy and great roommate, but now I can start getting the baby room ready. I have everything stacked up neatly in our office just waiting to be put into the baby room. I can't wait to hang up clothes, get the crib all ready and have everything perfect for when Tia arrives. Of course, we need to clean and possibly do a small bit of touch ups on the walls, but it is almost time! We aren't going to paint the walls because it is a neutral color right now that will be perfect. Tia's bedding and decor will be perfect to accent the room for her. Only a matter of days....yay!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Tiredness is Starting to Kick in Again

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 – Day 220

Of course the first trimester, I was so tired all the time it was nuts. I've had a ton of energy this past trimester, but now that I'm fully into my 3rd trimester, the tiredness is setting in again. Luckily, it hasn't hit me during the day, but I have a feeling it is only a matter of time. It is more at night - I get home and I'm ready for bed earlier than 9:30 which has been my bedtime for the past few months. I am not looking forward to being tired at work, that is the worst. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Maybe it will skip me!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Inny or Outie

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 – Day 219

My inny belly button is becoming an outie. I always knew this would happen but it is really weird. I can't imagine what it will look like in the weeks to come. I was so afraid what my body changes would be during pregnancy. But not much has changed except my belly so I can't complain. I have gained 20 pounds so far.

Monday, October 19, 2009

My Dogs Are Barking

Monday, October 19, 2009 – Day 218

Okay, pregnancy has been pretty easy so far, with nothing to really complain about. But seriously, my dogs are barking! I'm talking about my feet hurting so bad. Even just standing barefoot in the kitchen - they hurt badly. My most comfortable shoes have become uncomfortable too. I know this is part of it but ugh! So I went out and got some new cushy shoes. They aren't pretty but they seem to be more comfortable thus far - guess we'll see. I've heard it gets worse too.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Daddy's Finally Starting to Move Around

Sunday, October 18, 2009 – Day 217

Written by Baby Daddy:

Well, a week and a half after surgery, I'm finally able to barely move my leg. Until now, I couldn't even get it to budge. I worked from home all last week and will be returning this week on crutches. I'm sort of worried that I will not be able to get comfortable at work sitting all day. Currently, I have to be on a couch or bed with my leg being completely supported or else it starts hurting. Since Angie will be taking me to and from work, I'll be stuck there all day if I find it too intolerable to sit in a chair. Hopefully I'll be able to walk on my own in a few weeks. I still need to take pain medication before I go to bed since I have a hard time sleeping now. I've never been one to lay on my back and not move at all throughout the night. The longer the recovery takes, the more fearful I become of returning to soccer. I just keep thinking that I never want to go through this's so inconvenient! My soccer days may be numbered. :( Maybe I should un-retire from bowling.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Tia One Day

Saturday, October 17, 2009 – Day 216

A friend of mine sent this picture to me and Chris the other day - isn't she adorable. She said that her mannerisms and her personality reminded her of me and Chris in some ways. Plus she loves to bowl. Also, there were some features that reminded her of me and Chris too. We both thought it was super cute. The hair cracks me up, because my hair does look like that, although I straighten mine every day so it looks naturally straight. Although, my close friends all know my true hair!

Only 9 weeks to go everyone - can't wait to meet her!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Baby Clothes and More Baby Clothes

Friday, October 16, 2009 – Day 215

I think everyone knows I have amazing friends, but what I'm also lucky is to have many friends who have had little girls before me. I already received several bags of clothes from one of my friends a month or so ago, then earlier this week another girl friend gave me 2 bins and 4 bags of clothes...and she says she has 4 more bags to give me. Well, of course I'm super excited, so I got home and took them all out and categorized them by age group. Boy are there a ton of baby clothes. It is amazing! I seriously think baby Tia will be good on clothes until she is 4 years old. Of course, there will be certain clothes I see and want to buy and it is always fun getting clothes from friends - but Tia is going to be stylin with new and old clothes for sure. Baby clothes are so much fun.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reserved for Expectant Mothers

Thursday, October 15, 2009 – Day 214

Since I've been pregnant, I see the signs that say 'Reserved for Expectant Mothers' and I ask myself - can I park there. But I never did because I was afraid people would see me and think I was not really pregnant. But I finally took advantage of my pregnancy status by parking in one of those front row spots. I was so excited! I'm in my last trimester in my 8th month - I think I deserve to park there. I'll definitely take advantage of this new privilage if it comes my way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gestational Diabetes Test - Take 2

Wednesday, October 14, 2009 – Day 213

I went in this morning for the 3 hour diabetes test. It was actually more like 4 hours. I got there at 7:00am and they made me drink some orange sugar water again. It isn't as bad as some people say, thankfully. I believe it is because I don't drink soda much and don't have a preference between brands. I think those who can tell the difference between coke and pepsi and other sodas were probably more sensitive to the taste. After the sugar water, they took my blood. Then after another hour, they took my blood for the 2nd time. Then another hour, they took my blood for the 3rd time and finally after another hour, they took my blood for the 4th and last time. Most people know that I hate giving blood. I actually did a great job of avoiding giving blood until I was about 22. I know, I know. The doctors I'd pick would tell me to go give blood and I wouldn't go and just change doctors. That is how much I hated giving blood. But one doctor knew my trick and brought in the nurse to take blood during my first appt. I stuck with that doctor for a long time. But since then, I've had to give blood probably 10 or so times. But today, I gave more blood than I've ever done and it really didn't bother me. I think because of the motivation behind giving blood - all for my baby!

I pray I don't have diabetes, but I guess we'll see when the results come back.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Unveiling my Belly Finally

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 – Day 212

I really thought when I got pregnant, I'd be taking pictures of my bell every week. But I have not done that probably because I really didn't have much of a belly to work with. Now, you can see my belly unveiled. It is 'cute' and many people are still saying they can't believe I'm due in December. I still am amazed I only have a little over 9 weeks to go. But I'm really excited that the days are numbered.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Baby Showers Rock!

Monday, October 12, 2009 – Day 211

Yesterday was my second baby shower and let's just say that my little girl made out like a bandit! I just love all of the girlie stuff and all of the pinks and browns. So many cute things and a lot of stuff we need. It makes me just so eager to get her baby room started. For those who don't know yet, her name is going to be Tia. Some of my girlfriends got some embroidered items with her name - too cute! Everyone was saying how she is going to be the best dressed baby and my friends and family are definitely making sure of it - lots of wonderful clothes. For the girls who put it together, they did a fantastic job - I have awesome friends (and family).

Another highlight of today was getting to meet my Great Nephew. My sister Nan, her daughter Tori and Tori's new baby boy Seth were in attendance. Seth will be four months soon and he was a cutie to hold and get to know. There were two other babies there today too. Oh soo cute! I am definitely in baby mode, that's for sure.

Chris was super excited to see all of the gifts and baby things - it made him even more excited to welcome little Tia to the world. He keeps saying 'I can't wait' and it always makes me smile!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Helpless Daddy

Sunday, October 11, 2009 – Day 210

Written by Baby Daddy:

Surgery is out of the way now and let me tell you, it was not a fun experience....well at least the recovery. The surgery itself went very well. They made me feel very comfortable and I didn't feel a thing (not even the shot I had to get in my groin). The recovery part definitely sucks. The shot wore off a day later and that's when the discomfort set in. I can't really do anything and it hurts to move my leg even the slightest bit. I look like a big goof when I'm trying to carry anything from one room to the next. I have stuff wrapped around my neck, carrying other things in my mouth, and have a shopping bag with strings to carry lunch from the kitchen to the living room. It's harder than I thought getting around on crutches. Lucky for me, I have an awesome wife that is taking care of me. I feel so bad having Angie do all these things for me while pregnant. She has been taking excellent care of me and keeping her beautiful smile the entire time.
Another downside to the surgery is the uncomfortable factor. I have a hard time sleeping at night because I cannot move and have to keep my leg propped up. I never seem to get a good nights sleep. I didn't want to mention this, but I know Angie would have posted this if I didn't. I also have to wear these white (extremely tight) stockings on both legs. They're supposed to keep my blood from clotting. Angie says I look like a stripper with them on.....haha.
One final note that was frustrating. I had my first physical therapy appointment on Friday. My mother picks me up and takes me there, but they are closed. I call them and they said that they did not have me down for my first visit until Monday. One of the most important things that needed to be done on my first visit was to get my bandages changed. I guess I'll just have to wait until tomorrow. I called a different rehab place that same day and cancelled all my other appointments. I was so mad.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Gestational Diabetes Test for the 2nd Time

Saturday, October 10, 2009 – Day 209

I got the results of my gestational diabetes test and I had an elevated result, which basically means I failed it. So I have to go next week and take the 3 hour long test. It does not sound fun...basically having my blood taken every hour and having to drink that sugar water again. They said that 140 and less is normal and my test result was 155. So we'll see this next time around. I pray I don't have diabetes...but I guess I'll take the punches if/when they come.

Friday, October 9, 2009

30 Week Doc Appt

Friday, October 9, 2009 – Day 208

My doctor's appointment went well today. Everything is on course and looking good. Her heartbeat was between 140 and 150. My weight gain is at 20 pounds since I got pregnant, but he says that's right where he wants me to be. Blood pressure was good and everything else was good. So all is well and on course. I go back in two weeks and then every week from there on out. It's like a countdown! Only 10 more weeks.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ouch - Che-Wa-Wa

Thursday, October 8, 2009 – Day 207

I've had leg cramps, but I think I got the mother of all leg cramps the other night. I woke up in tears of pain. I could not get it to go away. I used some friends advice, but nothing seemed to work. It was horrible. Luckily Chris was not home - he was down at his dad's house for the night. In the morning when I got out of bed, I couldn't even walk on my leg. And then, for the next few days, my leg was very hard and stiff. Ouch! I guess it is all part of it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

House on the Market - On Hold

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 – Day 206

After a discussion the other night about what we want to do with putting the house on the market, we concluded that we are going to wait a bit longer. With the baby within a few months away and Chris with a torn ACL (surgury tomorrow), we've decided we want to take the pressure off and focus on our health the next few months and enjoy being a family when she arrives. Of course, we are excited to move...but we don't want to add any stress the next couple months that isn't necessary. Honestly, I'm so much in baby mode that it doesn't bother me at all to endure the long drive to work. (1) because I go on maternity leave mid-December and I won't have to drive an hour to and from work for 3 months. (2) We are so comfortable in our house and it would be a bit chaotic trying to focus on baby while trying to move, get settled, etc. and (3) right now my main focus is baby!