Sunday, November 1, 2009

One Step at a Time

Sunday, November 1st, 2009 – Day 231

Written by Baby Daddy:

There's so much going on right now, it's almost hard to decide what to do next. Angie and I have been taking one step at a time which definitely helps. The Halloween Bus Party was a great success and is now behind us. I'm in the middle of some training at work which will be finished this week. We have almost all of our furniture for the baby room now. Once I finish the touch-ups, we'll be able to move all of the baby's stuff in. We have a new TV coming in since our old roomie owned the previous entertainment center. We just finished up picking out a daycare for our little girl. I'm finally starting to move around on my own a little better, although full recovery is going to take a while. It's really nice having everything come together.

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