Friday, November 13, 2009

Sitting on the Sidelines

Friday, November 13th, 2009 – Day 243

Since I'm the event planner for my company, I plan all of our teambuilding staff events. For today, I planned our staff to do Demolition Ball which is an annual tradition since I've been with Technology Partners. What it is - you are in a mini bumper car with a plastic ball scoop. Five people are on each team and the point is to get this woofle ball to a goal at each end of the cart. It is a blast, but you do get bumped around and nearly whiplash. It is so funny to see the personalities that come out of these competitions. We do a round robin tournament and one team wins.

I had to sit on the sidelines today and watch which was fine with me. Yes, there were moments where it was hard because I love playing, but seeing some of the people get jolted around - I was happy that I was watching and baby was safe.

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