Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Teaching for Junior Achievement

Wednesday, November 18th, 2009 – Day 248

The company I work for does an annual Junior Achievement in a Day event where we teach an entire school for a day. Last year, I co-taught Kindergarten with my co-worker Karry. It was my first time and it was a bit overwhelming, BUT was so rewarding and a great experience. This year, we decided to teach 1st grade so we'd recognize many of the students that we had last year. Unfortunately, Karry was out sick and not able to teach, so I had to teach by myself for the majority of the day. At first, I was scared to death, but I just embraced it and decided that it is what it is and no sense in getting nervous. I think I did pretty well considering and my boss arrived about the 4th activity and she helped teach activity 5 as well. It was a really fun time and although my feet really hurt, it was another rewarding day. Many of the students were loving my belly and hugging/touching, naming, asking questions and loving Tia.

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