Monday, November 9, 2009

I Love Birthdays

Monday, November 9th, 2009 – Day 239

Most people who know me know that I love birthdays. Today is mine and it was the best one yet. My amazing husband got me flowers and a beautiful card, then he took me to one of my favorite restaurants - Kobe. We both stuffed ourselves - but it was worth it! He even helped baby Tia buy mommy a birthday card that was adorable.

I'm 32 and life is going great. I think the best present of all is Tia. I am so excited to meet her and birthdays for myself just really aren't the greatest thing now - I have a new purpose and the moment she is born will be the first birth-day of many birthdays for our baby girl.


  1. Happy belated birthday Angie! I hope you had a wonderful day!

    I am with you...I love birthdays as well!

  2. Happy birthday! I'm a November girl birthday is next Tuesday. It is true that after kids, birthdays and Christmas change! Things are tight right now and I'm willing to forgo all my birthday celebration to make sure Alexander and our neices have Christmas presents. I'm a big fan of sushi and wine for my birthday dinner and I can't have those anyway : )
