Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bowling Maternity Leave

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009 - Day 262

I was planning on bowling up until Tues Dec 8th but it was decided last night it was my last night of bowling before maternity leave. I think my friends at bowling are a little scared I might fall or hurt myself which probably isn't too far off. Plus our team is in first place and I'm not as reliable in getting my average or better this past month. In fact, last week I bowled terrible. Last night I bowled right around my average in the low 160s so it wasn't too bad but before late pregnancy I'd usually have a game or two much higher.

My replacement bowler is a rockstar and so since our team is in first place and next week is the deciding night on which team will take first place for 1st half - it was decided to have my rockstar replacement bowl next week for me. I'll be there to cheer them on! And I'll return in late February.

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