Monday, December 14th, 2009 - Day 274
Doesn't that just sound painful! I had heard about having your membranes stripped, but I guess I thought it was when you go in for an induction. I went to see my doctor today and no change in my cervix so he asked if he should try to help things along and of course I said yes, so he stripped my membranes. (for those that don't know what that means, you can check it out on google) Yes, it is a bit uncomfortable but it didn't hurt as bad as I had heard. I did feel VERY crampy all night and I was really hoping it would launch me into labor, but it hasn't yet. I know it isn't a guarantee, but Doc said it generally works on most women to start labor within 48 hours.
If nothing happens by Wednesday, I am supposed to call my Doc and we'll go over our options. Inducing is still an option, but now that my doctor isn't going out of town, there really isn't a big reason why we should induce. Although, he did say there really isn't a big reason why we shouldn't, since on Sunday I'll be 40 weeks and my cervix is 'ripe' enough. I do like that we are giving it a few days to see if she'll come out and play on her own. I guess we'll see how it goes!
Please keep us posted Angie! Steve and I are so excited for you guys! We can't wait to hear!