Saturday, October 24, 2009

Results from Diabetes Test

Saturday, October 24, 2009 – Day 223

I went to a doctor's appointment yesterday and my doctor wasn't there because he had a delivery to do at a different hospital. But I was able to see the nurse practitioner. I asked about my 3 hour Gestational Diabetes test results and she let me know that they came back okay. The first 3 blood tests were in the clear, although the last blood test was slightly elevated. There is nothing much I can do, although she said if I wanted to take some precautionary measures, I could watch my sugar and carb intake. I might try, but I love sugar and carbs a little too much. But I'll try ;) All else looked good. My weight and blood pressure came back great. I got to hear Tia's heartbeat and it is at 145. What was so cute, was that Tia had the hiccups. So we would hear the fast swoosh heartbeat and then a loud boom. At first, the practitioner thought it was her kicking, but when we heard a steady boom, she conferred that Tia did have the hiccups. It was so cute.

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