Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Come Out Come Out - Wherever You Are

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009 - Day 275

I think either Tia is taking after her daddy and will come late (hee hee) OR she is just too darn cozy in there and doesn't want to come out because she knows it is winter time (that means she's like me and hates the cold) Everything is ready to go - her room is perfect, the Christmas tree is up, our bags are packed, the house is clean and I'm on maternity leave. We are just missing one thing - Tia! I'm just so excited to meet her and get to see what she looks like - will she be a brown baby, will she have my nose and Chris's mouth. Will she look like our siblings or our parents. Will she hear Chris's voice and be mesmorized! I just can't wait. SO Tia, come out come out!!!!

1 comment:

  1. patience mama. as much as you cant wait to meet her, believe me, cherish this quiet time. relax, catch up on trashy t.v., sleep in, etc. because once she is here there will never be another dull (or quiet) moment in your life : )

    good luck! can't wait to hear the news that miss tia is here.
