Friday, December 11, 2009

Last Day of Work

Friday, December 11th, 2009 - Day 271

It is the strangest feeling knowing that today was my last day of work. It was one of the easiest days because we also had our staff Christmas Party which means I really only had to work until about 12:30pm and then we went to eat our Xmas lunch at Oishi which was mmmm good, then back to the office for games all afternoon. I did have to plan the Christmas party and one of my fears was that I wasn't going to make it that far and then I'd leave my coworkers hanging, BUT I made it. It was a fun day too. After games, we went to Happy Hour (I had a lemonade!) Then I drove home and it felt so serile. Not know when my little bundle of joy is going to arrive, I could be twittling my thumbs next week if she doesn't arrive. I do have my doctor's appointment on Monday and then I guess I'll just continue to nest and be ready for Tia to arrive. I do know that 12 weeks is going to fly by super fast or at least that is what I've heard. I guess we'll see. I'm excited for Tia to is getting sooo close!

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