Monday, November 16, 2009

Linea Nigra

Monday, November 16th, 2009 – Day 246

Before I was pregnant, I had heard that since I'm darker skinned, I'd have the chance of developing a line down my belly. Well, I definitely have this and according to my doctor, it is called Linea Nigra. I have always had a really big birth mark just below my chest. The birthmark is huge, and I've always called it an upside down Christmas tree because that is what it looks like. To give you an idea of how big it is, I'd guestimate it as being the size of a piece of pie. The line I've developed during pregnancy runs from this birthmark all the way to my belly button then all the way down to my hoo-hah. It divides my belly perfectly in half. It is sort of neat.

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