Friday, December 25, 2009

Tia's First Christmas

Friday, December 25th, 2009 - Day 7

We were good all year,
in hopes our request would come true.
That we’d receive the present we asked for,
something all tiny, precious, and new.

Santa must have thought we were deserving,
to bless us with this amazing and special thing.
The week of Christmas finally has arrived,
and we were excited with what Santa did bring.

A perfect little princess,
and bundle of joy so sweet.
A little daughter to call Angel,
that we could not wait to meet.

Her name is Tia McKenzie,
December 19th is her birth date.
She weighs 6 lbs 8 ozs is 19 inches long,
she’s a 100% perfect in every way.

We are so excited about this blessing,
from the clouds of heaven above.
We will love her, cherish her and protect her,
for all of her many days to come.

Wishing you and yours a holiday season full of joy & happiness.
We hope you get all that you wished for Christmas too!

All of our love,
Chris, Angie & Tia Norris

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