Saturday, November 14, 2009

FastTrack Class

Saturday, November 14th, 2009 – Day 244

Today, Chris and I attended a pregnancy class. It is called FastTrack and covers all the basics in 8 hours. We aren't the type to over educate ourselves and we didn't want to attend a class once a week for a month or anything like that. So we did the FastTrack class. It was very insightful and there were 9 other couples who attended. It is always nice to hear that others have the same concerns as us and we all have the same questions. There was one couple expecting identical twins - I thought that was neat. 5 of the 10 couples were all due on December 28th. I was happy we attended because it really answered some of the questions I had about the hospital and a few other things. The tour was perfect because now I know where to instruct family/friends to go if they decide to visit us in the hospital. I was disappointed we didn't get to see any babies in the nursery, they were all in the rooms with their mommies. But all in all, I would recommend it to any expecting couple delivering at St. Lukes.

1 comment:

  1. I delivered Alexander at St. Luke's and Tim and I also did the FastTrack class because of our hectic schedules. I really liked that you deliver in the same room as you labor in and then stay there for the remainder of your hospital stay. I also remember being EXHAUSTED after that class : ) It was an eye opener, but not nearly as much as the actual delivery...ha! Since my new doctor doesn't have St. Luke's in his normal rotation, we've elected for MoBap this time. The distance is actually the same since we live in Fenton and we liked the facility and the staff when we were in a couple weeks ago for monitoring after my car accident.
