Wednesday, December 9, 2009

No Set Date Yet

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009 - Day 269

Went to the doc today and I was hoping he would give me an official date of induction, but he didn't. He is no longer going out of town, so no need to rush the labor if we don't have to, sooo we are taking it another few days before making a decision. I have my next appointment on Monday and then at that point, we'll go over all of our options. It is exciting to know that the final days are here! My last day of work is tomorrow and she could come any time. Sometime next week is most likely, but it is looking at later in the week as opposed to earlier as originally talked about. We are good with that but do hope she comes before Christmas! Although, Christmas is way after my due date, so most likely I'll go before, but I guess we'll see!

I'm still almost 3 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Her heartbeat is great, my blood pressure is great. I only gained one pound since last week and all is looking good. He did say that if I went some time this next week, my cervix is ready to go. Heck, maybe I won't need an induction and will go on my own. It is getting harder to sit indian style and get up, but if it is only a week or so more, I think I can handle it.

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