Wednesday, October 7, 2009

House on the Market - On Hold

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 – Day 206

After a discussion the other night about what we want to do with putting the house on the market, we concluded that we are going to wait a bit longer. With the baby within a few months away and Chris with a torn ACL (surgury tomorrow), we've decided we want to take the pressure off and focus on our health the next few months and enjoy being a family when she arrives. Of course, we are excited to move...but we don't want to add any stress the next couple months that isn't necessary. Honestly, I'm so much in baby mode that it doesn't bother me at all to endure the long drive to work. (1) because I go on maternity leave mid-December and I won't have to drive an hour to and from work for 3 months. (2) We are so comfortable in our house and it would be a bit chaotic trying to focus on baby while trying to move, get settled, etc. and (3) right now my main focus is baby!

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