Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm Getting Excited - Baby Room

Thursday, October 22, 2009 – Day 221

Today, our roommate and cousin, Jeremy, closed on his new house. He moved most of this stuff out of our house today and I'm overjoyed. Don't get me wrong, he was an easy and great roommate, but now I can start getting the baby room ready. I have everything stacked up neatly in our office just waiting to be put into the baby room. I can't wait to hang up clothes, get the crib all ready and have everything perfect for when Tia arrives. Of course, we need to clean and possibly do a small bit of touch ups on the walls, but it is almost time! We aren't going to paint the walls because it is a neutral color right now that will be perfect. Tia's bedding and decor will be perfect to accent the room for her. Only a matter of days....yay!

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