Saturday, December 26th, 2009 - Day 8
Tia is officially one week old today and the week seems to have gone by so quickly. Although, some of those long nights I thought would never end. Overall, it has been great getting to know our little girl. She is just amazing in every way. Things that make me smile are the little smiles she gets as she is falling asleep and the little wimpering noises she makes when she is dreaming. I can just look at her for hours on end and just cherish every moment. The things that have been hard for me this week are how my boobs feel - ouch-eeee-wowa! I liked one of the comments that I will 'toughen' them up and I'm slowly but surely getting them tough enough for the every 3 hour pain they go through. I've been solely pumping because we are breaking Tia of the habit of using me as a human pacifier after she's been fed. Doc says that we have to break that habit early or she'll need me every time she goes to sleep. That is part of the reason my boobs are taking a beating. So the past 3 days, I've been pumping and it has been working out great. I'm definitely getting used to it, but it hasn't been easy. The other things that come to mind are the discomfort down below as my uterus is slowly getting back to its original size.
But Tia is doing great. She has her nights and days mixed up so she sleeps all day and does not want to go to bed all night. We are working on getting her switched but unfortunately it is no easy task. I know it will work out SOON! We are taking advantage when we can to sleep when she sleeps during the day, but can be hard with pumping, daily to-dos and visitors. But all worth it. Christmas was actually fun because we didn't have to leave our house, yet we got to see almost half of our family. My mom came over every day and brought us food, Chris's mom and brothers and sisters came over for a fun time, my brother his wife and two little girls came and stayed with us for a couple days too. My dad and stepmom came over on Christmas too. Chris's dad and stepmom will be coming by today. So it was nice to have things at our house (but not having to cook anything ;)
Tia made out like a bandit with gifts. She is already spoiled and doesn't even know it yet. She got a lot of fun toys, ornaments, clothes, etc. I was excited because I was able to have a glass of wine on Christmas. Boy did it taste good. Since I had pumped enough to last all day, I was able to have a glass and then let it get out of my system before pumping again. I bought the Alcohol/Milk screen from Wal-greens that tell you if your milk is clear for pumping sans alcohol.
Chris has been an amazing daddy this week - he is just such a natural. I'm lucky that he wants to help me with diapers, bottle feeding and if I need anything here or there. He has been a great help and I'm going to be sad when he goes back to work after this week. Then it will be just me and Tia on our own. I'm sure it will be an adventure. I know that the next 10 weeks are going to fly by for me and then I'll be back to work so I'm going to take advantage of these early days while I can. I know one of my purposes in life was to be a mom and I'm finally able to provide for another human being in a way like no other. I pray every night that our family is watched from above!
Angie - This is Maria's sister-in-law Sue - Congrats to you and Chris on the arrival of Tia - she is absolutely PRECIOUS! Enjoy every minute with her - the time really does fly by - our little Tommy is 15 weeks old; I go back to work on Janury 4th so I can seriously tell you how fast it will go! Even the "bad" days (and nights) are ones that you can be grateful for an enjoy! Totally hear you on the booby pain - I ended up mainly pumping the past 2 months b/c that's what worked for us for various reasons - took me a while to realize I had to do what worked for US and not what anyone else thought we should be doing! Congrats again and enjoy this special time!!!