Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tia's First Doctor's Appointment

Thursday, December 24th, 2009 - Day 6

Our little overachiever did great today at her first doctor's appointment. After the first few days, babies lose some of their weight. Tia was born 6 lbs 8 ozs and when we left the hospital, she weighed 6 lbs 1 oz. Today, she weighed in at 6 lbs and 10.5 ozs. Our doc was very pleased. Tia also kicked the jaundice and no longer has to test for it nor does she have to sleep in the billy-bed all day long. Other things that were gleaming were her demeanor and color. The doc said that we are both doing a great job so far and she gave us lots of tips to the questions we've had. Because she is doing so great, we don't have to come back for a month. Great job Tia!

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