Saturday, August 1st, 2009 - Day 139
Today marks 20 weeks down and half way to go! Finally felt like taking a picture now that I have a little bump to show. Comparable to others at 20 weeks, it doesn't look like much, but I can sure feel her moving around. This week was a great milestone because not only did we find out what we are having, a little girl, but we also were able to tell our friends and family too. Everyone is super excited for us and now we can call the bump a she instead of it. Can't believe we are at the halfway point, but it feels good to know that all is going accordingly. It has been a great journey so far and I am so excited for the rest of the weeks to unfold.
Angie! I just knew that you were going to have a girl!!!! Our babies are gonna tear up the town! haha I too never felt the flutters, just jabs from the beginning : ) Spunky little baby girl. Your belly is cute, mine was like that too. Everyone kept asking where's your bump? Even when I was like almos0t 3o weeks people were like....oh, I did not realize you were pregnant. You are long and lean and should stay pretty slim until the last month! Shopping for baby is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am still shopping my bootie off, there is sooo much cute stuff out there : ) I took a single day birthing class a single day breast feeding class and read tons of books.(as well as just talking to other mom's) I would not waste time and lots of money on expensive classes. Also, my birth went nothing like it was supposed to so it just helped me to feel like I was in control, haha! I just can't express how excited I am for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you guys, Nik