Sunday, August 30th, 2009 – Day 168
Written by Baby Daddy.
Now I know this may sound funny since our little baby girl hasn't even been born yet, but she seems to be teasing daddy. I've been talking to her every night since our baby calendar said her hearing should be fully developed. For the first couple of weeks, I thought it was absolutely amazing that she would start moving when I talked to her. Now, she will be moving/kicking a bunch and Angie will call me over to see. I then start talking to her and she stops cold turkey. Even better yet, there have been several instances where she wasn't moving at all, I would talk to her and she would give me a couple of really good back to back kicks and then nothing again. It's almost as if she is saying "Leave me alone daddy.....I'm trying to sleep!" Haha. It looks like she is taking after mommy with regards to her orneryness.
parker did that ALL the time chris, don't feel bad! i swear the moment he would kick i'd waddle over to let a friend feel and he'd stop cold turkey too. did the same thing with doug as well. babies are too funny and are much smarter than we give them credit for. i cant wait to meet little miss norris!