Saturday, August 8th, 2009 - Day 146
Here is my blanket question to all of the former expectant mothers...What, in your opinion, is the rule of thumb for taking the newborn out of the house the days after you get home from the hospital. I have not formed my own opinion and I always find it useful to hear what other mothers feel is good. Now, will I take your advice - maybe not/maybe so, and I would hope if I don't, you won't be offended. I asked some friends the past week and one said about a week and then it is okay so you can help build the immunities because he feels that the baby's system is the strongest at that time. Then I had another friend say that she stuck to a 30 day rule because babies are the most prone during that time.
I don't agree or disagree with either, because as I said I don't have an opinion yet. Plus I can't tell you what my emotional or recovery state will be after I have this baby. But I would like to hear what you did in your situations. I'd prefer suggestions or examples of what you did...please refrain from saying 'people MUST...' or 'it is horrible if...', etc. I do not want this to turn into a battle of what is right and wrong - only suggestions/advice/opinions, please.
The reason why I am asking is because since our baby is due in December, there is a chance it could be 5, 10, maybe more days before Christmas. Of course, we most likely won't be making it to all 9 of our family Christmas's this year (yes, that is 9 places we usually go), but if we wanted to get out on the day we were feeling up for it, then when is okay. I can tell you that although I am a planner, we won't be making any committments for Christmas this year in advance. It will most likely be a gameday decision because depending on how I feel, how I'm recovering and how things are going those first days/weeks home from the hospital will determine our schedule and likely it will be the day of that event that we'll decide.
I'm sure we'd weigh the options out too, will there be any sicklings there, how many kids will be there, do they have pets, will it be crowded, how far do we have to drive, etc...I'm sure we'll have a lot weighing on our minds BUT say we were up for it, when, in your opinion, would it be okay - 5 days or more, 10 days or more, immediately, 30 days, etc. OR do you feel that we should not go anywhere and suggest that we stay at home and if we choose to have guests, we can. Heck, I'd probably be okay if someone wanted to postpone a gathering until January to get out of that 1-3 week newborn stage.
Comments are welcome! Right now, we are due December you can base your advice/opinion on that date knowing that Christmas Eve & Christmas Day are 4 & 5 days after that.
Go with your gut. You will know it is okay when you feel comfortable. I took Alexander out to the Greek Festival a week after we had him. We didn't know any body there, so he wasn't even out of his stroller, and it was nice to get out of the house! Of course, that was early September and I am not a germophobe at all. I will be facing a similar issue with a December baby, but we are lucky that all of our family is out of state, so if they want to see us for Christmas they will have to come here : ) A nice break from us having to travel!
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Jen. Go with your gut. And the time of the year does play a role in it. I will say that if you are up for it, go for it because it is nice to get out of the house for a couple hours. You are right in making sure no one is sick and I would suggest that if you do go out in the first week or so, ask people to wash their hands before holding her. I'm a believer in helping baby create an immune system, but in the first couple weeks they don't need to be exposed to germs and sniffles. Don't committ to anything- you will know exactly what to do when the time comes- you're gonna be a great mommy!!
ReplyDeleteAnother mommy here that says to listen to your own mommy instincts - you'll know what is right for you & your little one. Your baby will born during RSV season, so I'd becareful about letting other small kids get too close at first (new babies are highly at risk). Talk to your Ped. if you have questions about that.
ReplyDeleteBreastfeeding helps w/ babies immune systems too. :o)
Even though I don't have a little baby yet and not expecting I wanted to reply to this blog.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Jen and all the other mommies who replied. I would as well go with my gut feeling but I wouldn't want to just stay in the house all the time I would be taking the little one out probably...I guess I don't want a bubble baby! he he he! Of course if people are sick (like friends, etc) I wouldn't bring baby over but other than that...I would I guess. That is just me. Definately recommend people washing there hands before holding...esp if a newborn. Other people are different. I just like to be out with friends and family so much that the baby would go with me wherever I go.
Ok, Ang, listen to your mom in law. I had four kids, and I did not keep them in the house for that long at all. They all turned out perfectly healthy. In fact, I probably had the healthiest babies out of all of my friends. No colic or anything!! Anyway, the girls are right, if you feel comfortable with it, go for it. I will admit though, that as far as grocery stores and public places, I did tend to wait a little longer.
ReplyDeleteOK, I'm going to say go with your gut. You will know better than anyone else. However, please be careful at that time of year--it's cold and flu season. I know, build up immunity and all but be careful. Use Jordan's story as a precautionary tale.