Wednesday, August 19, 2009

She Calms Me Down

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009 – Day 157

I think most people know me as a pretty even keel person. I don’t get worked up that easy and I’m pretty mellow most of the time. At work, I’m always professional and I never let anything get to me to where it shows on the outside. I take work as a passion I have and with everything I do, I use stress and pressure as a driver to do the best job that I can. I seldom ever show I’m stressed and honestly, I never really get stressed. But now that I’m pregnant, I’ve done some pretty silly things that I would have never done before. It is like I’m going faster than my mind can think and make some stupid little errors that I would have never made before. Even friends have commented (okay laughed) at how Angie, who never makes mistakes or grammatical errors in emails tends to do it a lot these days and better yet, just saying funny things that I would normally never say. I find it comical most of the time, except when it comes to work.

I had a typo in an email at work for an event we are hosting. I sent it out to the entire staff and soon realized there was a typo (which is a huge pet peeve of mine – and I never ever do that). I fixed the email, but somehow resent the exact same email that had the misspelling, so now there were two misspellings out there. Then I send an apology email saying – there was a typo and I will send them the correct email without the typo. What did I do, I sent them, for the third time, the same email with the typo. What on earth was I doing – this was so unlike me. Finally, I get the real one out there and follow-up with an email blaming the pregnancy, to which all the guys laughed and all the girls understood. I just wanted to crawl in a hole or have a very stiff Capri-son.

So this is not the only thing and now more than ever, I have found myself a bit stressed at times. Almost on cue, when I get stressed, my baby girl starts kicking me and of course it brings an instant smile to my face and all of my stressful thinking just washes away. It is so hard to describe what it feels like – the smile is on my face before I even realize it. All of a sudden it dawns on me that I have a big grin on my face – and all because of my little angel. So I am glad that she can calm me down when I need.

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