Tuesday, August 18, 2009

She’s Grown

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 – Day 156

According to my baby calendar, she is about 7.9 inches long crown to rump plus her legs and we’ve seen the ultrasound pics – they are long. Chris loves to talk to her and watch her respond. I do truly believe that she can recognize his voice because it never fails. What was interesting last night was that she was moving around and I could feel jabs/kicks down near the bottom of my belly and in the same breath up past my belly button. Not sure how she is positioned but it just seemed like she was stretched out and seemed extremely long. Some kicks/jabs are bigger/stronger than others and some are faint. I just love it and love how Chris can now feel baby respond and even better yet, he can see her move just by looking at my belly. I’m starting to pop a bit, but I still feel on the small side – I just wonder how she fits down there.

1 comment:

  1. its so amazing to me on how those little ones are just so cramed in there. whats even more amazing was looking at parker (who came out weighing 9lb) and thinking "that could not be comfortable" just wait till you are about to pop and she is 3 times the size she is now!
