Friday, July 31st, 2009 - Day 138
Everyone kept telling me that I'd start to feel fluttering, but I never did. However, I have felt jabs. I can lay in bed and push in side of my belly and I'll get a jab back at that same spot. I can usually get her to jab back about 5 or 6 times and then it is almost like playing hide and seek OR waiting and waiting. It is super cute. They are not powerful by any means, but it is just a neat feeling to know she is alive and kicking. I can't imagine when she gets bigger how powerful her kicks will be...only time will tell. It seems like it is early to feel kicks/jabs but I definitely feel them. My doctor said it is different for everyone and it is a positive sign. Maybe because she has those cute long legs and needs to spread them out!
just wait until you start getting kicked during the night! never failed, the instant i fell asleep/got comfortable i would get a swift (hard) kick in the ribs. as she gets bigger and you get closer to your due date she will become more "alien like" and your belly will just move and protrude like crazy! i would watch my belly for hours!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is always what I missed most about being pregnant - feeling the boys move. It's so exciting once it starts happening. Enjoy!