Saturday, August 29, 2009

6 Months Down

Saturday, August 29th, 2009 – Day 167

Tomorrow is officially 6 months down. It seems like the days are flying by and she'll arrive before we know it. My bump has definitely grown and she seems to be vertical now instead of side to side the way she was for a long while. I am just wondering if she is still breech or she's started getting into position, as my doctor says. We have our 25 week doctor's appointment on Friday so we'll hopefully find out how she's doing. I wonder what my weight gain will be this time. Last time was about 8 or so pounds, and I really don't think I've gained much weight since last month, but who knows. It is very exciting though how fast pregnancy is flying by. I've enjoyed it thus far and I know I've been lucky to have an easy pregnancy so far, unlike other women, and hopefully the remaining 3/4 months will be the same. I wonder if my due date will change? It is set for December 20th as of now which was set when we found out we were pregnant. We didn't get to talk to our doctor when we got our last ultrasound pictures, so this appointment this week, he'll go over how she's progressing, any red flags, how things are going, etc. I pray everyday that she's progressing accordingley and all is well. It is just so exciting!

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