Friday, August 21, 2009

Can You Feel Her?

Friday, August 21st, 2009 – Day 159

So many people have rubbed my belly and a couple have attempted to try to feel her movement, but really only Chris has been able to feel her. He has a ritual of talking to her and she’ll respond – it is the cutest and I love the way his face lights up. The other night, she was kicking up a storm and I asked Lisa if she wanted to feel her and she said yes. Lisa put her hand on the top of my belly and I covered her hand with mine (seems to help), and low and behold and pretty powerful kick. Lisa jumped back a bit and was like, wow. So I took her hand again and put it on the same spot and we waited a few seconds and then another big powerful kick. Lisa sat down in her chair with a stunned face and said ‘wow, I thought I’d feel a small tap, but not a powerful kick like that – so weird.’ I think it caught her a bit off guard, but she was happy to have felt her. I know it is different for me since I love knowing she’s moving around and active. Lisa said it was cool to feel her, she just didn’t realize how powerful her kicks/jabs were. I know it is like an alien is alive in your belly, because that is how I felt at first – but I treasure every movement from her. I just love it!

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