Thursday, January 14, 2010

What an Explosion

Thursday, January 14th, 2009 - Day 27

So we've been worrying about constipation and she went about 40 hours without having a bowel movement, but then when we least expected it, she had an explosion in her diaper. Of course, we were relieved! Then today, I changed her wet diaper about 9:30am and by 11:30am when I went to change her, I noticed some of her poopie seeping through her pjs. I opened her pjs to find that she had a huge explosion in her diaper. It was all over her belly, her back, all over her pjs and the diaper was sooo full. It was cute, but I had to give her a bath because she was had it all over and when changing her, it was hard not to get it in other places too. We did buy some constipation drops, but we didn't use them yet because we wanted to talk to our doc first. She's our little poop machine!

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