Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Heat Rash

Wednesday, January 13th, 2009 - Day 26

I think we know what her little rash is - heat rash. We have been keeping her in these cute full body pjs, but she has been getting these rashes on her face and chest. They come and go and move around from different times of day. After looking up some types of rashes, I am pretty sure that is what it is. They say parents make the mistake of overdressing their babies and they should be dressed the way we would dress ourselves. The thing is, I wear my pjs all day long so I guess I thought she was dressed perfectly. I know at night, we swaddle her and perhaps she is a bit warm, but during the day I wouldn't think so. But we are going to dress her in some onzies, give her some baths, lotion her up and make sure she's nice and cool until the heat rash goes away completely. My poor little girl!

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