Saturday, January 23rd, 2009 - Day 36
First of all, I hate when Tia is fussy and we don't know what is wrong - I thought that it was the worst feeling in the world. However, this week, we discovered that it can get worse and that is when she has a full out cry. One day I drove out to Chris's work to show Tia off and when I left, it was about feeding time. I was thinking once we started moving in the car, she'd fall asleep and we'd be home before she realized it. Nope...I got onto the highway and traffic was completely stopped - when the car is stopped, Tia starts to cry. But this cry wasn't her normal whines, this cry was a full out someone tore my arm off cry. I got off at the next exit and took my own detour home and eventually had her back to sleep in no time. The very next day, I took her to my work to show her off and by the time I left, it was feeding time again. I was hoping she'd fall fast asleep since it was almost an hour drive home, but I was wrong. She cried for almost the entire trip home. I HATED hearing her cry because it sounded like she was in so much pain and there was nothing I could do about it. I had some formula mix in her diaper bag and I almost got off and stopped into McDonalds for some water but decided I would just bear the cries until I got home. Luckily just before, she fell asleep and I fed her immediately when we walked in.
The next night, she seemed perfectly fine and had a great day with seeing her doctor and playing with us after her feeding, but about 8 o'clock, out of the blue, she started her full out cry again and this time nothing we did could stop her. She just ate, so we knew it wasn't that. We changed her diaper and I was trying to rock her to soothe her but nothing. Chris and I were almost in tears ourselves. We caved and gave her some Gripe Water and she seemed to be soothed for a bit, but for the next few hours she was off and on - fussy, then fine, fussy, then fine...I felt bad for Chris because that was his shift as I was asleep preparing for the graveyard shift. When I fed her in the middle of the night, she started that fussiness again, but I just kept rocking her until she fell back asleep. The next day she had patches of fussiness, but I did my best to never let her get to the point where she was going to have that full out cry again. That just breaks my heart.
We aren't sure why she was crying. She hasn't had a bowel movement in two days and she looks like she struggles trying to. OR we had changed her outfit right when we gave her the gripe water and thought possibly her toe was caught. But whatever the reason, that is one cry that I hate to hear from Tia. It is piercing to the ear and it just sounds like she is in so much pain. We changed her formula to what our Pediatrician recommended and hope that helps. Wouldn't it be great if we could read newborns' minds so we knew what was wrong?!?
The "screaming cry" is what I call it and it is painful for mamma and pappa. With Alexander, we eventually learned what was his gassy cry and it was when he'd scream and then was okay for a few seconds...then repeated. Gas-X helped. I just pulled off the road last week at the beginning of my trip home from Collinsville to Fenton because Gabriel started the hungry cry. There I was, sitting in the Shop 'n Save parking lot in between two car seats in the back seat of my two-door civic, giving Alexander a snack to keep him entertained and Gabriel a bottle. Always an adventure!