Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Tuesday, January 12th, 2009 - Day 25

Tia's face will get red like she is trying to make a poopie, but then when we check her diaper - it is only wet. Then we notice that several diapers are either not needing to be changed or just wet. But it is scary when she goes over 24 hours without a poopie diaper because her tummy gets all bloated. You can tell she really tries hard to go but just can't. She is fed breast milk more than half the time but we give her some formula here and there as well. The formula we have is Enformil with iron and I read that we should try soy so we bought soy formula but it has only been a day. We got the constipation drops for babies and will try that next. I just hate seeing her struggle plus it makes her a bit more fussy too. I know it is very common for babies to be constipated and go a few days before having a bowel movement. I have that problem and I'm 32, I hope she didn't inherit that from me!

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