Monday, January 25th, 2009 - Day 38
We've had the idea to instill a cuss jar for any swear words that we say, especially when Tia is present. I don't have many occasions where I need to cuss, unless I just threw a bad throw in bowling. However, I can't say that for Chris. Truth be told, there are a few occasions where Chris feels the need to say a few swear words to express his anger. Mainly when a gadget doesn't work, while driving or playing video games...but since Tia's arrival - we both agree we need to curb these habits. So I've created Tia's First Bank Account which is essentially a cuss jar and yes it says 'Tia's First Bank Account - First Bank of Daddy'. We have a jar of quarters all ready to go for Chris and a jar of nickels/dimes for me. This is so we can see who has deposited more into Tia's first account. Each of us will have to put $0.25 into the jar if we swear. Rules will be more defined as time progresses, possibly having to pay more if Tia is present, etc. We'll see, but I love the idea; it goes to a good cause and possibly can rid a bad habit. Tia quite possibly could be rich before she even knows it!
Poor Baby!! You can see the rash on her face. Enjoyed the day yesterday.