Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tia Updates

Tuesday, January 26th, 2009 - Day 39

Tia is doing great! Her baby acne has gone down considerably and is almost gone - yay! Her skin isn't smooth yet, but I can tell it will be soon, back to that smooth baby skin. She has been having regular bowel movements now that she is on Enfamil Fussiness & Gas formula. We were on Soy for a bit, but doc recommended one that would be good for her needs. We have a pretty good schedule down where she'll feed, then have play time for a bit, then nap. When she gets good sleep during the day, she sleeps very well at night. We have started the drops for her clogged tear duct and it is starting to be a bit better...and hope to see better results soon. Her personality is starting to really come out and she is responding with smiles and screams when you talk to her. Every now and then, she'll be fussy, but it is much better than a few weeks ago. I think we are starting to get into a good groove and I only have 5 1/2 weeks left with her and then I'll be back to work. I know I'm going to miss her dearly during the day.

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