Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Belly has Emerged

Thursday, September 10th, 2009 – Day 179

The weekend before last, I was still not showing enough for people to be confident in asking me whether I was pregnant or not. But somewhere during this past week, my belly has popped. Someone who saw me from one weekend to the next, like my mother-n-law, were amazed at the growth. I think my baby girl is finally tired of everyone saying how small my belly is, so she's making her presence known. I had the check-out lady from Wal-Mart ask me if I was pregnant. She has been the first and only person to ask me. So I'm 6 months pregnant and no one has been confident enough to ask me...well that is all about to change. My belly has grown beyond my boobs, finally. Besides noticing it, my belly itches all the time, so I definitely know its growing. Yay! I love it.

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