Thursday, September 3rd, 2009 – Day 172
So I was over at Lisa's house tonight watching TV and eating a ginormous pizza she got from Sam's. I was flipping through channels through all 100 of them a few times and nothing looked good. She didn't have a preference either. I was in the 80's when I realized there was something good on an earlier channel. I was thinking it was channel 16, so I typed that in and noticed it was on a commercial. So we sat there and waited and when the series came on, I said, no this isn't it. So I went up to channel 17 and it was on a commercial with a white pregnant women sitting on a park bench, so we sat there and waited again. All of a sudden I hear Lisa laughing hysterically and by that time I finally caught on because she said 'the Spanish channel, I hope baby can translate'. It was one of those, you had to be there moments, but I was laughing so hard I was in tears. Every day I do something just so airheadish. But we have some good laughs. Of course I blame it on the pregnancy stupids. Now I have friends who do some funny stuff from time to time and I blame it on the sympathy pregnancy stupids. It's great having a reason to be an airhead, which is so far from my usual self. But every day, I do at least one or two things and I just have to laugh at myself! I'm sure it will get worse as time progresses. Oh baby!
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