Saturday, September 5, 2009

In all my Dreams, I'm Pregnant

Saturday, September 5th, 2009 – Day 174

They say you have more vivid dreams during pregnancy, and I can attest, it's true. Almost every dream seems so real. And in every dream, I'm pregnant. It's amazing to me how that happens. Last night, I dreamt I could see her entire leg sticking out of my belly. In the dream, I had Chris take a picture of her leg and her foot. Then she kicked while we were taking the picture and she kicked - her foot hit my boob and caused a hole just to the left of my nipple and milk started coming out. Isn't that weird the things we dream about. Later in the dream, Chris and I got into a huge fight because he was telling me I was trying to sneak wine at dinner. He said he saw me have 3 big gulps of white wine and in the dream I denied it. We fought over it all night. It just makes me laugh.

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