Monday, September 14, 2009

A Friend's Baby Shower

Monday, September 14th, 2009 – Day 183

Went to a friend's baby shower yesterday and now that I'm pregnant, I have a bigger appreciation for them. It was a very nice shower and it was well attended, as was expected since my friend Meghan has 46 cousins. Of course there was the cutest little girl there who had brown hair, brown eyes and was very vocal. She was very entertaining to watch and said the cutest things. It just made me start to ponder what our little girl will look like. It is such a crazy thing to try to guess what she looks like, but part of the fun. My friend Meghan is a few weeks ahead of me and is also registered at Babies R Us. I think she got a lot of great gifts and she thinks she's having a boy...they didn't find out the gender. Another possibly boyfriend for my soon-to-be angel.

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