The day finally came where we got to see how our little bun in the oven was developing, as well as find out if we were having a little boy or a little girl. We met with the doc first and heard the heartbeat - it really gets me everytime - the tears start to well up and I can hardly contain them from turning into waterworks. It is just such an amazing sound. Then after a quick chat we were headed towards the ultrasound room.
Our Sonographer got right to business and lubed up my belly and started showing us some pics. Chris and I weren't exactly sure what we were seeing at first and as she explained she was going to take measurements before we got to the fun stuff. She did make the comment that our baby was super active and I admitted to her that a friend gave me the tip to drink a caffeine filled soda before I got there. The Sonographer's eyes opened real wide and said 'what...that's an old wives tale and you definitely should not spread that tip makes it awfully hard for us Sonographers to get still pics'. She wasn't upset, but we did have a good laugh over it because everytime she went to take a pic, baby would move just in time. It was comical. We saw everything from the 4 parts of the heart all the way down to the nose. Just amazing.

This picture I like to call buddha belly baby - love that little tummy!

This picture shows the mouth and nose. Such a cute little nose, don't you think?

Here is a precious foot...

But this one is my favorite one of all...the super long leg extended fully upward. Yep, that's our little soccer player.
After all of the measurements and pictures were taken, it was time to reveal the gender of the baby. She said with no doubt whatsoever that we were having a little girl. She confirmed three more times by saying it was definitely a that point, my eyes welled up with tears and I could barely see the screen through my tear-filled eyes. I did my best to keep the tears from flowing so I could see the rest of what she was showing us. It was so exciting. I had a feeling that it was a little girl and low and behold, a mother's intuition is right (most of the time). We would have also been happy with a boy too, but a little girl is what we will be having - yay. Chris was super excited and I could see the joy in his eyes. After we left and got to the hallway, I lost it and all the tears came a flowing. It made Chris have tears in his eyes as well. We were just so excited and what a great milestone to know that our little girl is healthy and all the signs were pointing to healthy.
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures! Those are truly amazing pictures and pretty clear too! I can't wait to spoil your little girl!
You two will be amazing parents!
Congrats Angie! I know she'll be just as beautiful as you! I love all the action shots of her. How exciting - now you can really start shopping for her.
ReplyDeleteMy advice - don't buy TOO much now, b/c it'll be so much fun to buy things once she's here & you really know what you'll prefer better and then you won't feel so bad about it if you don't have a full closet already. That being said - I know of some really cute boutique lines if you want & some great online discound shopping places :o)
yeah! parker will have a girlfriend! maybe they will grow up and get married one day....