Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Completely Out of My Pants

Wednesday July 8th, 2009 – Day 115

I'm officially out of all of my normal clothes. I don't have a single pair of pants that I can fit in to. I didn't gain any weight in the past month, but obviously my weight has moved around and settled in my waist and belly. I don't think I look big at all and some people gasp with disbelief when I say I'm 4+ months pregnant. I guess I'm lucky to not have bulged out quite yet. My dad seems to ask me if I've 'filled' out when I talk to him, but I haven't. My tummy is starting to get that harder shell but really it still feels like a layer of fat, since I've been eating anything and everything I want and have had no exercise. I hope to start swimming more regularly and possibly walking soon. I definitely don't want to gain too much weight so it won't be that much harder after the baby is born. I guess we'll see. I'm going to have Chris take me shopping this weekend - I need more clothes!

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