Thursday July 2nd, 2009 – Day 109
Old Wives Tale #15: Key Test
This test involves a key. If you pick up a key at the top (the roundest part), you are going to have a boy. If you pick up the key at the bottom (smallest part), you are going to have a girl. If you happen to grab the key in the middle, congrats, it’s twins! Angie: I’d pick up the key in the middle – but I’m not having twins.
Old Wives Tale #16: Mayan Tale
The Mayan tale adds the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is a even number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is on the way! Angie: Let’s see 31 plus 2009 = 2040, so girl?
Old Wives Tale #17: Drano Test
The drano test combines a tablespoon of Drano and urine together. If the mixture turns green, it’s a girl. If it turns blue, it’s a boy. Angie: I have heard this is toxic and it smells up the place for hours after you do it, so I’ll just take their word for it.
Old Wives Tale #18: Acne
If you have acne while pregnant, it’s a girl. It’s thought that acne during pregnancy is caused by the extra hormones. Angie: I have never had acne in my entire life and now I have small bumps all over my face like I’ve been eating a pound of chocolate per day, so I’m going with girl on this one!
Old Wives Tale #19: Cravings
People believe that if you are craving salty foods while pregnant, you can count on having a boy. If you crave sweets, fruit, and orange juice, you are having a little girl. Angie: Oh I’ve been saying that baby has been craving chocolate and sweets like her daddy, so another sign pointing to girl.
Old Wives Tale #20: Smell of Garlic
If a pregnant woman eats a clove of garlic and the smell does not come out of her pores, it’s a girl. If the smell seeps out of her pores, it’s a boy. Angie: I’ll have to try this one at my next opportunity.
Old Wives Tale #21: Ultrasound
I’m not sure that this falls under ‘old wives tales’, but, as with anything, ultrasounds may not be accurate all of the time. In fact, one of my friends was told that she was having a boy. A penis on the ultrasound. Months later, it was determined that her little boy was actually a little girl. Angie: I have heard that the umbilical cord can be misread for the penis more often than not.
Old Wives Tale #22: Skin under Left Eye
The eye test is when a “V” or “branches” appear when you pull down the skin under your left eye. If you see a “V” or “branches” in the white part, you’re having a girl. Angie: I ‘think’ mine looks like a V, so girl.
Old Wives Tale #23: Previous Kids
This tale only applies if you have had previous kids. If you have and that child’s first word was momma, you will have a girl. If your first child’s first word was dadda, you’ll have a boy. Angie: No previous kids
Old Wives Tale #24: Wooden Spoon, Scissors, and Pink Bows
Apparently if you put a wooden spoon and a pair of scissors under your bed and a pink bow under your pillow, you’ll have yourself a little baby girl. Angie: Sounds like wishful thinking to me, but probably has nothing to do with the baby.
Old Wives Tale #25: History of Parent’s Kids
You can find out the sex by going off of your parent’s kids and the order. If you are the first born, you will have what your mother had but starting with her second child. If you are the middle child, you will have what she said, but starting with the third child. If you are the last child, you will have what your mother had in the exact order. Angie: My mom had 7 kids and I’m number 6….I’d have to have a lot of kids to see if this works out.
Old Wives Tale #26: Time of Conception
The person that is most aggressive in bed at the time of conception is the opposite of what the baby will be. Angie: This is too hard to decide – at that time, it really depended on how much alcohol each of us had.
Old Wives Tale #27: Legs
If your legs get really big, you’re having a boy. If your legs stay in shape and lean, it’s a girl. Angie: Too early for me to tell, but at this point, they are in shape and lean….girl.
Old Wives Tale #28: Moodiness and a Little Pecker
If you are really moody, you are having a girl since you have another extra girl hormones in you. Your pregnancy will make you smile and be more happy if you are having a boy because there’s a little penis inside you. Angie: I have been moodier, but not sure if that means I’m having a girl
Old Wives Tale #29: Bread
If you eat the ends of bread, it’s a boy. If you eat the middle of the load, it’s a girl. Angie: When it comes to bread, I’ll eat all of it right now.
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