Monday, July 13th, 2009 - Day 120
Well baby helped me win my first bowling tournament. I had already written about getting my first 600 series, but it wasn't confirmed about how I placed. It looks like out of 370 women, I got 1st place - wow what an honor. My mom and I got 45th in the doubles division out of 770 doubles. Our team had a blast and we weren't too far off from some money but we didn't make the top 10 percent cut. They have an All Events category that takes your scores for all 9 games and ranks you. I got 3rd out of 370 women. Not bad. I should be getting some money for placing and I'll have to start a baby fund for my hopeful future bowler. I don't know how much I won yet, but it would be nice if it was close to $1k or at least $500....we'll see.
The week I got pregnant (of course I didn't know yet) I was in my first bowling tournament in Springfield, IL. I did get a 200 pin which was what I was hoping for and also won $45 for having our team place. So I'm sure baby helped then too.
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