Monday, June 1, 2009

We've Made an Official Announcement

June 1st, 2009 - Day 78

We felt 11 weeks and counting was a good time to make an official announcement. Of course our close friends and family had already heard, but we wanted to let all of our other friends and acquaintences know about our news. I'm the type that wants to share all of my news the minute I hear it, but I know that having a baby can be a very careful thing with the chance of something going wrong. I think things are progressing pretty well, so it is safe to say that we are in the clear at this point. We'll take things day by day and pray for all the good stuff.

I even put my status on FaceBook to elude to being pregnant and it is so nice to hear from everyone. I think everyone is rooting for us to have a successful pregnancy with all of the bells and whistles. I know I feel the same about all of my friends who are currently pregnant, recently had babies or are in the process of trying. Friends and family are a great support group. Thanks everyone for all the well wishes. I hope to keep you posted every step of the way!!! Thanks for all of the comments too - some are so funny and it is nice keep connected with this baby connection.

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