Friday, June 12, 2009

Give the Pregnant Girl the Cake

Friday June 12th, 2009 – Day 89

So I went to the Keith Urban/Sugarland concert last night with about 10 girls. Two girls are celebrating birthdays and since we had a suite, our organizer decided to get a cake just for the birthday girls. The cake came, we sang happy birthday to Lisa and Melissa, the candles were blown out and then the cake was pushed to the side. Lisa has a polish superstition that the cake recipients have to eat at least eat one piece of cake, so Melissa and Lisa both took and ate a piece of their birthday cake. They were both pleased with the freshness and yummi-ness of the cake. When the concert was over and we were walking out. When everyone was saying Lisa/Melissa don't forget your cake - and they didn't want it. They both said in harmony - Angie you take it. I'm like, what - is it because I'm pregnant and they were both like - yep! Everyone else agreed and after much determination by their part, I accepted and brought the cake home! I even had a piece for breakfast and it was mmmm

1 comment:

  1. oh my god! everytime there was a birthday etc at work slabs of cake, trays of cookies, etc would magically show up on my desk. once a gallon of milk and a box of dougnuts were waiting for me in the morning. i pretty much polished off too.

    get used to it sister!
