Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Twins Do Run in the Norris Line

Wednesday June 24th, 2009 – Day 101

We went to a Norris Family reunion over the weekend and it was noted that we have the possibility of having twins. Apparantly, Chris's grandpa had twins as siblings and some of the descendants have had twins in 2 or 3 instances. Wow. I know a lot of people think having twins is insane, but if Chris and I had the choice, we'd definitely want them. However, we have already seen our little bun in the oven and there is only one baby in there. But on our next one, we definitely have the chance of having twins, BUT either way, we'll be delighted. It was just a very interesting fact. They certainly do not run in the Gulledge line. I originally thought after 16 years of taking birth control that we'd have the chance of trying fertility drugs and of course the possibily of having multiples. BUT what we've found out because of our little bundle of joy now cooking in my belly that we are fertile fertility pills least not at this point. Twins would be nice, but a very unlikely possibility. Guess only time will tell if we have one or multiples down the road...either way - we just want them healthy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy! That is all I can say! twins would be a handful but a joy at the same time! You will have to keep us posted.
