Thursday June 25th, 2009 – Day 102
All of my friends know I'm always in a hurry, but I'm eager for any signs to develop in my belly to know that the baby is in there. I know, I know...most signs don't come until the 18th week, but I have heard of friends who have felt something in their 13 or 14th week. I'm in my 14th week and I'd love to feel something. I was a soccer player my whole life and Chris has played all of his adult life, so I'm hoping there are some legs on this child. But I know I just have to be patient and wait my turn. We do have our 15 week appointment next week and we'll get to hear the heartbeat again - love that sound! But I hope the baby bump grows a bit instead of me just feeling like I'm chubby! ugh! Okay, as you can see, I'm just an eager beaver.
take your me : )