Tuesday, June 30, 2009

15 Week Doctor's Visit

Tuesday June 30th, 2009 – Day 107

We had our 15 week Doctor’s appointment today. Chris went with me because our doctor was going to talk to us about testing and other options. We heard the heartbeat and it was loud and strong. Of course my eyes welled up with tears just hearing such an amazing sound. Doc said it was about 148 to 149 beats per minute. Last time it was at 151 so basically the same. I was happy to find out that I hadn’t gained any weight over the past month, although I was really sure I had since I can’t fit into any of my pants anymore. We opted out of doing testing today to determine downs or spinal issues and wait until our 19 week ultrasound to decide. Of course, we want our baby to be healthy, but I know we are going to love it no matter what. Doc says that everything seems to be normal and that I should just keep doing what I’ve been doing, although I didn’t tell him that I’ve been eating everything bad under the sun. He brought up swimming as a great sport to do while pregnant. Of course as soon as Lisa’s pool is completely finished, I intend to swim at least 2 – 3 times per week. So now we’ll just look forward to the BIG ultrasound in 4 weeks where we’ll determine the gender of the baby and see if we can detect any red flags. Doc will measure the baby and we’ll see if our due date is still December 20th. We are excited!!


  1. That is great Angie! I am so happy for you guys! Great to know that everything is going great and you and baby are healthy! I can't wait to hear how the next one goes and if you are having a boy or a girl! Let us know if you need anything!

  2. i hope you have a girl so parker has a girlfriend : ) or a boy so they can wrestle....oh i just hope he/she is happy and healthy!!

  3. Yeah! That is such a fun appointment and the heart beat, amazing!!!! Testing....it is always scary, but I think they just scare you so you get the tests and they get yo money! Like you said, you will love he or she no matter what! I have had friends with positive tests and their babies were totally normal and healthy, so, try not to worry about that stuff too much. I love reading about your special experiences, since I am so far away. Thanks so much for having a Baby Norris blog!!!!
