Thursday June 11th, 2009 – Day 88
Lisa bought me a pregnancy gift which I love. It is a stethoscope so I can listen to what is happening with my baby bump. I tried listening before we went out but all I heard was a gurgling - wonder if it was gas, lol. When we got back later, I tried it again and I heard absolutely zip. I think it was because I ate and drank a lot of food and sprite throughout the night so nothing to hear. But I'm super excited because I can check in from time to time and see if I hear anything new going on down there. Thanks Lisa.
you'll have to let me know if this works! we had a head-set type thingy that was "supposed" to pick up the baby's heartbeat and we never heard anything. luckily he was a kicker or i would have gone bonkers if i didn't hear anything!