Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bowling Better When I'm Pregnant

Sunday June 28th, 2009 – Day 105

Yesterday and today was spent at a bowling tournament called the Route 66 Tourney along with friends Joni, Barb & Bob, Laura, Rick, Bert, and my mom. On Saturday it was at Pacific bowl and their main air conditioner was out - boy was it hot in there. My hair was in an instant pony tail the minute we started bowling. The first 3 games was doubles and my mom and I were paired up. We both got around our averages but nothing stellar. The next 3 games were singles and I think baby wanted me to do well, because I did. I've had several 200s over the years but never a 600, which means you have a 200 average on 3 games. I got a 194, 211 and a 214 - boy was I excited to get my first 600 with a 619. Plus my handicap of 42 per game, I ended with a total of 745. Even better, I found out today that according to the latest women's singles standings, I am in first place. That would be an extra bonus that I not only got my first 600 but won the tourney. We won't find out until after the fourth of July weekend because the tournament which began in February ends this coming weekend. If no other ladies get a better score, I just may have a chance of winning it - wow! That would be an accomplishment. Today we had teams play at West County bowl - neither team did stellar but we had a great time. So I think I've been bowling better now that I'm pregnant. Thanks baby!

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