Thursday, April 1, 2010

We've Really Got to Watch Her

Thursday, April 1st, 2010 - Day 104

Now that Tia has figured out how to roll over, we've really had to watch her. We used to be able to put her down for floor time and walk out of the room for a few minutes. Now that she is rolling over, we really have to watch her. We have been giving her tummy time, but we thought we'd have at least two more months until she was rolling all the way over. Last weekend, she rolled from back to tummy and back to her back. She gets stuck though, and it scares us because she doesn't turn her head when she's face down. She just grunts like she is mad and tries to push herself, but sometimes is unsuccessful. We were laughing because, she seemed to roll over when we weren't looking. Chris and I were talking to each other and pretending not to look at her and there she goes rolling over, but when we'd look at her - she'd stop. Chris was laughing at her because she rolled over so quickly one time that she rolled onto her buddha belly and instantly rolled back onto her back. I think it knocked the wind out of her and she got upset. Chris was just laughing away and it was really cute because she just bounced off her belly. So now, we are keeping our eyes peeled and paying attention to make sure she is supervised. We don't want her rolling over thinking we are going to come to her rescue and we aren't there.

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