Saturday, April 24th, 2010 - Day 127
We asked the doctor yesterday about her rolling over in her sleep and how Tia is strong enough to get her arms out most of the time, as well as kick her legs out of her swaddler. Doc says it is time to let her sleep without swaddler, no position, nothing. I must have been wide eyed the rest of the visit, because the Doc laughed at me saying my wheels were turning with worry about her sleeping. She was absolutely right...I was scared. Tia has been rolling over a lot and she doesn't know what to do with herself quite yet. She looks at you like - help me! And she has never turned her head when she gets tired, she puts her face directly on the ground. So last night, we put her pack-n-play in our room, I put her in a sleeper, and put her in for the night. She looked around not really knowing what to do either. I was laying on the bed looking down at her. She would look at me, look around, and then wonder 'well this isn't how it usually is'. I knew she was tired, because she kept rubbing her eyes and sometimes ripping out her pacifier. So I would put it back in, give her a few pats and then let her do her thing. She then gave me a big smile, which I knew she wanted to play. So I brought her up with me onto the bed. We laid there and played for a while and until she finally closed her eyes. I carried her over to the pack-n-play and put her in. She woke up and looked at me again wondering why she could move her arms. She looked around and rubbed her eyes a lot. Finally, after a while she dozed offed. I literally slept with one eye open wondering if she'd try to roll over. It wasn't until about 3am when she decided to roll over, but she seemed just too tired to make the effort, so she rolled on her side which is how I sleep. She did pretty well her first night. I fed her about 6am and then put her down for a nap in her crib. She did pretty good too - so maybe this won't be as bad a I thought. She is such an adaptable baby and learn so quickly. Gotta love her.
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