Friday, April 16th, 2010 - Day 119
Today is Tia's last day at the Goddard School. It was a shame she was out yesterday from allergies, but at least we found out from the doctor that she just has allergies and she's not sick. The poor thing sounds so congested like it is in her chest - ugh! I know Tia loves all of her teachers at Goddard from Ms. Tomieka to Ms. Jesica to Ms. Colleen to all of the other teachers. I know she'll know something is different not seeing her other classmates, teachers, crib, and other surroundings. But she is starting on Monday at First Academy in Fenton and I know she'll grow to love her new teachers and school. First Academy will be much more convenient for both of us and we'll be able to put the cost savings towards our future down payment of our new house (when we move). I am sure there will be many things I miss about Goddard, but for our family, we have to stay within our budget, think about our future children, and do what is best for our current needs. Having the daycare literally a rock's throw away, will be so nice in case Tia needs anything and Chris can run over there and check on her. I still plan to drop off for the time being, but it will be convenient for both Chris and I to pick her up to take her home. I'm excited to get her going there and see how she does.
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